PDFRCW 70A.65.110

Allocation of allowances to emissions-intensive, trade-exposed industries. (Contingent expiration date.)

(1) Facilities owned or operated by a covered entity must receive an allocation of allowances for the covered emissions at those facilities under this subsection at no cost if the operations of the facility are classified as emissions-intensive and trade-exposed, as determined by being engaged in one or more of the processes described by the following industry descriptions and codes in the North American industry classification system:
(a) Metals manufacturing, including iron and steel making, ferroalloy and primary metals manufacturing, secondary aluminum smelting and alloying, aluminum sheet, plate, and foil manufacturing, and smelting, refining, and alloying of other nonferrous metals, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 331;
(b) Paper manufacturing, including pulp mills, paper mills, and paperboard milling, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 322;
(c) Aerospace product and parts manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 3364;
(d) Wood products manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 321;
(e) Nonmetallic mineral manufacturing, including glass container manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 327;
(f) Chemical manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 325;
(g) Computer and electronic product manufacturing, including semiconductor and related device manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 334;
(h) Food manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 311;
(i) Cement manufacturing, North American industry classification system code 327310;
(j) Petroleum refining, North American industry classification system code 324110;
(k) Asphalt paving mixtures and block manufacturing from refined petroleum, North American industry classification system code 324121;
(l) Asphalt shingle and coating manufacturing from refined petroleum, North American industry classification system code 324122; and
(m) All other petroleum and coal products manufacturing from refined petroleum, North American industry classification system code 324199.
(2) By July 1, 2022, the department must adopt by rule objective criteria for both emissions' intensity and trade exposure for the purpose of identifying emissions-intensive, trade-exposed manufacturing businesses during the second compliance period of the program and subsequent compliance periods. A facility covered by subsection (1)(a) through (m) of this section is considered an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility and is eligible for allocation of no cost allowances as described in this section. In addition, any covered party that is a manufacturing business that can demonstrate to the department that it meets the objective criteria adopted by rule is also eligible for treatment as emissions-intensive, trade-exposed and is eligible for allocation of no cost allowances as described in this section. In developing the objective criteria under this subsection, the department must consider the locations of facilities potentially identified as emissions-intensive, trade-exposed manufacturing businesses relative to overburdened communities.
(3)(a) For the first compliance period beginning in January 1, 2023, the annual allocation of no cost allowances for direct distribution to a facility identified as emissions-intensive and trade-exposed must be equal to the facility's baseline carbon intensity established using data from 2015 through 2019, or other data as allowed under this section, multiplied by the facility's actual production for each calendar year during the compliance period. For facilities using the mass-based approach, the allocation of no cost allowances shall be equal to the facility's mass-based baseline using data from 2015 through 2019, or other data as allowed under this section.
(b) For the second compliance period, beginning in January, 2027, and in each subsequent compliance period, the annual allocation of no cost allowances established in (a) of this subsection shall be adjusted according to the benchmark reduction schedules established in (b)(ii) and (iii) and (e) of this subsection multiplied by the facility's actual production during the period. The department shall adjust the no cost allocation of allowances and credits to an emissions-intensive and trade-exposed facility to avoid duplication with any no cost allowances transferred pursuant to RCW 70A.65.120 and 70A.65.130, if applicable.
(i) For the purpose of this section, "carbon intensity" means the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions from a facility in metric tons divided by the facility specific measure of production including, but not limited to, units of product manufactured or sold, over the same time interval.
(ii) If an emissions-intensive and trade-exposed facility is not able to feasibly determine a carbon intensity benchmark based on its unique circumstances, the entity may elect to use a mass-based baseline that does not vary based on changes in production volumes. The mass-based baseline must be based upon data from 2015 through 2019, unless the emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility can demonstrate that there have been abnormal periods of operation that materially impacted the facility and the baseline period should be expanded to include years prior to 2015. For each year during the first four-year compliance period that begins January 1, 2023, these facilities must be awarded no cost allowances equal to 100 percent of the facility's mass-based baseline. For each year during the second four-year compliance period that begins January 1, 2027, these facilities must be awarded no cost allowances equal to 97 percent of the facility's mass-based baseline. For each year during the third compliance period that begins January 1, 2031, these facilities must be awarded no cost allowances equal to 94 percent of the facility's mass-based baseline. Except as provided in (b)(iii) of this subsection, if a facility elects to use a mass-based baseline, it may not later convert to a carbon intensity benchmark during the first three compliance periods.
(iii) A facility with a North American industry classification system code beginning with 3364 that is utilizing a mass-based baseline in (b)(ii) of this subsection must receive an additional no cost allowance allocation under this section in order to accommodate an increase in production that increases its emissions above the baseline on a basis equivalent in principle to those awarded to entities utilizing a carbon intensity benchmark pursuant to this subsection (3)(b). The department shall establish methods to award, for any annual period, additional no cost allowance allocations under this section and, if appropriate based on projected production, to achieve a similar ongoing result through the adjustment of the facility's mass-based baseline. An eligible facility under this subsection that has elected to use a mass-based baseline may not convert to a carbon intensity benchmark until the next compliance period.
(c)(i) By September 15, 2022, each emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility shall submit its carbon intensity baseline for the first compliance period to the department. The carbon intensity baseline for the first compliance period must use data from 2015-2019, unless the emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility can demonstrate that there have been abnormal periods of operation that materially impacted the facility and the baseline period should be expanded to include years prior to 2015.
(ii) By November 15, 2022, the department shall review and approve each emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility's baseline carbon intensity for the first compliance period.
(d) During the first four-year compliance period that begins January 1, 2023, each emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility must record its facility-specific carbon intensity baseline based on its actual production.
(e)(i) For the second four-year compliance period that begins January 1, 2027, the second period benchmark for each emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility is three percent below the first period baseline specified in (a), (b), and (c) of this subsection.
(ii) For the third four-year compliance period that begins January 1, 2031, the third period benchmark for each emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility is three percent lower than the second period benchmark.
(f) Prior to the beginning of either the second, third, or subsequent compliance periods, the department may make an upward adjustment in the next compliance period's benchmark for an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility based on the facility's demonstration to the department that additional reductions in carbon intensity or mass emissions are not technically or economically feasible. The department may base the upward adjustment applicable to an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility in the next compliance period on the facility's best available technology analysis. The department shall by rule provide for emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facilities to apply to the department for an adjustment to the allocation for direct distribution of no cost allowances based on its facility-specific carbon intensity benchmark or mass emissions baseline. The department shall make adjustments based on:
(i) A significant change in the emissions use or emissions attributable to the manufacture of an individual good or goods in this state by an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility based on a finding by the department that an adjustment is necessary to accommodate for changes in the manufacturing process that have a material impact on emissions;
(ii) Significant changes to an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility's external competitive environment that result in a significant increase in leakage risk; or
(iii) Abnormal operating periods when an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility's carbon intensity has been materially affected so that these abnormal operating periods are either excluded or otherwise considered in the establishment of the compliance period carbon intensity benchmarks.
(4)(a) By December 1, 2026, the department shall provide a report to the appropriate committees of the senate and house of representatives that describes alternative methods for determining the amount and a schedule of allowances to be provided to facilities owned or operated by each covered entity designated as an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility from January 1, 2035, through January 1, 2050. The report must include a review of global best practices in ensuring against emissions leakage and economic harm to businesses in carbon pricing programs and describe alternative methods of emissions performance benchmarking and mass-based allocation of no cost allowances. At a minimum, the department must evaluate benchmarks based on both carbon intensity and mass, as well as the use of best available technology as a method for compliance. In developing the report, the department shall form an advisory group that includes representatives of the manufacturers listed in subsection (1) of this section.
(b) If the legislature does not adopt a compliance obligation for emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facilities by December 1, 2027, those facilities must continue to receive allowances as provided in the third four-year compliance period that begins January 1, 2031.
(5) If the actual emissions of an emissions-intensive, trade- exposed facility exceed the facility's no cost allowances assigned for that compliance period, it must acquire additional compliance instruments such that the total compliance instruments transferred to its compliance account consistent with chapter 316, Laws of 2021 equals emissions during the compliance period. An emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility must be allowed to bank unused allowances, including for future sale and investment in best available technology when economically feasible. The department shall limit the use of offset credits for compliance by an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility, such that the quantity of no cost allowances plus the provision of offset credits does not exceed 100 percent of the facility's total compliance obligation over a compliance period.
(6) The department must withhold or withdraw the relevant share of allowances allocated to a covered entity under this section in the event that the covered entity ceases production in the state and becomes a closed facility. In the event an entity curtails all production and becomes a curtailed facility, the allowances are retained but cannot be traded, sold, or transferred and are still subject to the emission reduction requirements specified in this section. An owner or operator of a curtailed facility may transfer the allowances to a new operator of the facility that will be operated under the same North American industry classification system codes. If the curtailed facility becomes a closed facility, then all unused allowances will be transferred to the emissions containment reserve. A curtailed facility is not eligible to receive free allowances during a period of curtailment. Any allowances withheld or withdrawn under this subsection must be transferred to the emissions containment reserve.
(7) An owner or operator of more than one facility receiving no cost allowances under this section may transfer allowances among the eligible facilities.
(8) Rules adopted by the department under this section must include protocols for allocating allowances at no cost to an eligible facility built after July 25, 2021. The protocols must include consideration of the products and criteria pollutants being produced by the facility, as well as the local environmental and health impacts associated with the facility. For a facility that is built on tribal lands or is determined by the department to impact tribal lands and resources, the protocols must be developed in consultation with the affected tribal nations.
[ 2021 c 316 s 13.]

PDFRCW 70A.65.110

Allocation of allowances to emissions-intensive, trade-exposed industries. (Contingent effective date.)

(1) Facilities owned or operated by a covered entity must receive an allocation of allowances for the covered emissions at those facilities under this subsection at no cost if the operations of the facility are classified as emissions-intensive and trade-exposed, as determined by being engaged in one or more of the processes described by the following industry descriptions and codes in the North American industry classification system:
(a) Metals manufacturing, including iron and steel making, ferroalloy and primary metals manufacturing, secondary aluminum smelting and alloying, aluminum sheet, plate, and foil manufacturing, and smelting, refining, and alloying of other nonferrous metals, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 331;
(b) Paper manufacturing, including pulp mills, paper mills, and paperboard milling, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 322;
(c) Aerospace product and parts manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 3364;
(d) Wood products manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 321;
(e) Nonmetallic mineral manufacturing, including glass container manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 327;
(f) Chemical manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 325;
(g) Computer and electronic product manufacturing, including semiconductor and related device manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 334;
(h) Food manufacturing, North American industry classification system codes beginning with 311;
(i) Cement manufacturing, North American industry classification system code 327310;
(j) Petroleum refining, North American industry classification system code 324110;
(k) Asphalt paving mixtures and block manufacturing from refined petroleum, North American industry classification system code 324121;
(l) Asphalt shingle and coating manufacturing from refined petroleum, North American industry classification system code 324122; and
(m) All other petroleum and coal products manufacturing from refined petroleum, North American industry classification system code 324199.
(2) By July 1, 2022, the department must adopt by rule objective criteria for both emissions' intensity and trade exposure for the purpose of identifying emissions-intensive, trade-exposed manufacturing businesses during the second compliance period of the program and subsequent compliance periods. A facility covered by subsection (1)(a) through (m) of this section is considered an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility and is eligible for allocation of no cost allowances as described in this section. In addition, any covered party that is a manufacturing business that can demonstrate to the department that it meets the objective criteria adopted by rule is also eligible for treatment as emissions-intensive, trade-exposed and is eligible for allocation of no cost allowances as described in this section. In developing the objective criteria under this subsection, the department must consider the locations of facilities potentially identified as emissions-intensive, trade-exposed manufacturing businesses relative to overburdened communities.
(3)(a) For the years 2023 through 2026, the annual allocation of no cost allowances for direct distribution to a facility identified as emissions-intensive and trade-exposed must be equal to the facility's baseline carbon intensity established using data from 2015 through 2019, or other data as allowed under this section, multiplied by the facility's actual production for each calendar year during the compliance period. For facilities using the mass-based approach, the allocation of no cost allowances shall be equal to the facility's mass-based baseline using data from 2015 through 2019, or other data as allowed under this section.
(b) For the four years beginning January 2027 and in each subsequent four-year period, the annual allocation of no cost allowances established in (a) of this subsection shall be adjusted according to the benchmark reduction schedules established in (b)(ii) and (iii) and (e) of this subsection multiplied by the facility's actual production during the period. The department shall adjust the no cost allocation of allowances and credits to an emissions-intensive and trade-exposed facility to avoid duplication with any no cost allowances transferred pursuant to RCW 70A.65.120 and 70A.65.130, if applicable.
(i) For the purpose of this section, "carbon intensity" means the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions from a facility in metric tons divided by the facility specific measure of production including, but not limited to, units of product manufactured or sold, over the same time interval.
(ii) If an emissions-intensive and trade-exposed facility is not able to feasibly determine a carbon intensity benchmark based on its unique circumstances, the entity may elect to use a mass-based baseline that does not vary based on changes in production volumes. The mass-based baseline must be based upon data from 2015 through 2019, unless the emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility can demonstrate that there have been abnormal periods of operation that materially impacted the facility and the baseline period should be expanded to include years prior to 2015. For the years 2023 through 2026, these facilities must be awarded no cost allowances equal to 100 percent of the facility's mass-based baseline. For each year during the years 2027 through 2030, these facilities must be awarded no cost allowances equal to 97 percent of the facility's mass-based baseline. For each year during the years 2031 through 2034, these facilities must be awarded no cost allowances equal to 94 percent of the facility's mass-based baseline. Except as provided in (b)(iii) of this subsection, if a facility elects to use a mass-based baseline, it may not later convert to a carbon intensity benchmark during the years 2023 through 2034.
(iii) A facility with a North American industry classification system code beginning with 3364 that is utilizing a mass-based baseline in (b)(ii) of this subsection must receive an additional no cost allowance allocation under this section in order to accommodate an increase in production that increases its emissions above the baseline on a basis equivalent in principle to those awarded to entities utilizing a carbon intensity benchmark pursuant to this subsection (3)(b). The department shall establish methods to award, for any annual period, additional no cost allowance allocations under this section and, if appropriate based on projected production, to achieve a similar ongoing result through the adjustment of the facility's mass-based baseline. An eligible facility under this subsection that has elected to use a mass-based baseline may not convert to a carbon intensity benchmark until the next compliance period.
(c)(i) By September 15, 2022, each emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility shall submit its carbon intensity baseline for the first compliance period to the department. The carbon intensity baseline for the first compliance period must use data from 2015-2019, unless the emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility can demonstrate that there have been abnormal periods of operation that materially impacted the facility and the baseline period should be expanded to include years prior to 2015.
(ii) By November 15, 2022, the department shall review and approve each emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility's baseline carbon intensity for the years 2023 through 2026.
(d) During the years 2023 through 2026, each emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility must record its facility-specific carbon intensity baseline based on its actual production.
(e)(i) For the years 2027 through 2030, the second period benchmark for each emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility is three percent below the first period baseline specified in (a), (b), and (c) of this subsection.
(ii) For the years 2031 through 2034, the third period benchmark for each emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility is three percent lower than the years 2027 through 2030.
(f) Prior to the beginning of 2027, 2031, or subsequent four-year periods, the department may make an upward adjustment in the next four-year period's benchmark for an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility based on the facility's demonstration to the department that additional reductions in carbon intensity or mass emissions are not technically or economically feasible. The department may base the upward adjustment applicable to an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility in the next four-year period on the facility's best available technology analysis. The department shall by rule provide for emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facilities to apply to the department for an adjustment to the allocation for direct distribution of no cost allowances based on its facility-specific carbon intensity benchmark or mass emissions baseline. The department shall make adjustments based on:
(i) A significant change in the emissions use or emissions attributable to the manufacture of an individual good or goods in this state by an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility based on a finding by the department that an adjustment is necessary to accommodate for changes in the manufacturing process that have a material impact on emissions;
(ii) Significant changes to an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility's external competitive environment that result in a significant increase in leakage risk; or
(iii) Abnormal operating periods when an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility's carbon intensity has been materially affected so that these abnormal operating periods are either excluded or otherwise considered in the establishment of the carbon intensity benchmarks.
(4)(a) By December 1, 2026, the department shall provide a report to the appropriate committees of the senate and house of representatives that describes alternative methods for determining the amount and a schedule of allowances to be provided to facilities owned or operated by each covered entity designated as an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility from January 1, 2035, through January 1, 2050. The report must include a review of global best practices in ensuring against emissions leakage and economic harm to businesses in carbon pricing programs and describe alternative methods of emissions performance benchmarking and mass-based allocation of no cost allowances. At a minimum, the department must evaluate benchmarks based on both carbon intensity and mass, as well as the use of best available technology as a method for compliance. In developing the report, the department shall form an advisory group that includes representatives of the manufacturers listed in subsection (1) of this section.
(b) If the legislature does not adopt a compliance obligation for emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facilities by December 1, 2027, those facilities must continue to receive allowances as provided in the years 2031 through 2034.
(5) If the actual emissions of an emissions-intensive, trade- exposed facility exceed the facility's no cost allowances assigned for that compliance period, it must acquire additional compliance instruments such that the total compliance instruments transferred to its compliance account consistent with this chapter equals emissions during the compliance period. An emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility must be allowed to bank unused allowances, including for future sale and investment in best available technology when economically feasible. The department shall limit the use of offset credits for compliance by an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed facility, such that the quantity of no cost allowances plus the provision of offset credits does not exceed 100 percent of the facility's total compliance obligation over a compliance period.
(6) The department must withhold or withdraw the relevant share of allowances allocated to a covered entity under this section in the event that the covered entity ceases production in the state and becomes a closed facility. In the event an entity curtails all production and becomes a curtailed facility, the allowances are retained but cannot be traded, sold, or transferred and are still subject to the emission reduction requirements specified in this section. An owner or operator of a curtailed facility may transfer the allowances to a new operator of the facility that will be operated under the same North American industry classification system codes. If the curtailed facility becomes a closed facility, then all unused allowances will be transferred to the emissions containment reserve. A curtailed facility is not eligible to receive free allowances during a period of curtailment. Any allowances withheld or withdrawn under this subsection must be transferred to the emissions containment reserve.
(7) An owner or operator of more than one facility receiving no cost allowances under this section may transfer allowances among the eligible facilities.
(8) Rules adopted by the department under this section must include protocols for allocating allowances at no cost to an eligible facility built after July 25, 2021. The protocols must include consideration of the products and criteria pollutants being produced by the facility, as well as the local environmental and health impacts associated with the facility. For a facility that is built on tribal lands or is determined by the department to impact tribal lands and resources, the protocols must be developed in consultation with the affected tribal nations.
[ 2024 c 352 s 6; 2021 c 316 s 13.]


Contingent effective date2024 c 352: See note following RCW 70A.65.010.