PDFRCW 77.15.554

License suspension review committee.

(1) The license suspension review committee is created. The license suspension review committee may only hear appeals from commercial fishers who have had a license revoked or suspended pursuant to RCW 77.15.552.
(2)(a) The license suspension review committee is composed of five voting members and up to four alternates.
(b) Two of the members must be appointed by the director and may be department employees.
(c) Three members, and up to four alternates, must be peer-group members, who are individuals owning a commercial fishing license issued by the department. If a peer-group member appears before the license suspension review committee because of a qualifying commercial fishing violation, the member must recuse himself or herself from the proceedings relating to that violation. No two voting peer-group members may reside in the same county. All peer-group members must be appointed by the commission, who may accept recommendations from professional organizations that represent commercial fishing interests or from the legislative authority of any Washington county.
(d) All license suspension review committee members serve a two-year renewable term.
(e) The commission may develop minimum member standards for service on the license suspension review committee, and standards for terminating a member before the expiration of his or her term.
(3) The license suspension review committee must convene and deliver an opinion on a license renewal suspension within three months of appeal or of referral from the department. The director shall consider the committee's opinion and make a decision and may issue, not issue, or modify the license suspension.
(4) The license suspension review committee shall collect the information and hear the testimony that it feels necessary to deliver an opinion on the proper length, if any, of a suspension of a commercial license. The opinion may be based on extenuating circumstances presented by the individual convicted of the qualifying commercial fishing violation or considerations of the type and magnitude of violations that have been committed by the individual. The maximum length of any suspension may not exceed one year.
(5) All opinions of the license suspension review committee must be by a majority vote of all voting members. Alternate committee members may only vote when one of the voting members is unavailable, has been recused, or has decided not to vote on the case before the committee. Nonvoting alternates may be present and may participate at all license suspension review committee meetings.
(6) Members of the license suspension review committee serve as volunteers, and are not eligible for compensation other than travel expenses pursuant to RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.
(7) Staff of the license suspension review committee must be provided by the department.
[ 2003 c 386 s 4.]


FindingsIntent2003 c 386: See note following RCW 77.15.700.