PDFRCW 86.16.110


Any person, association, or corporation, public, municipal, or private, feeling aggrieved at any order, decision, or determination of the department or director pursuant to this chapter, affecting his or her interest, may have the same reviewed pursuant to RCW 43.21B.310.
[ 1991 c 322 s 11. Prior: (Repealed by 1987 c 523 s 12); 1987 c 109 s 23; 1935 c 159 s 17; RRS s 9663A-17.]


Reviser's note: This section was repealed by 1987 c 523 s 12 without cognizance of its amendment by 1987 c 109 s 23, and was subsequently reenacted by 1991 c 322 s 11.
FindingsIntentPurpose1991 c 322: See notes following RCW 86.12.200.
PurposeShort titleConstructionRulesSeverabilityCaptions1987 c 109: See notes following RCW 43.21B.001.