Revised Code of Washington
2023 Archive

Chapter 43.20B RCW
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43.20B.020Fees for servicesDepartment of health and department of social and health services.
43.20B.030Overpayments and debts due the departmentTime limitWrite-offs and compromisesWaivers.
43.20B.040Chapter does not apply where another party liableStatement of lienForm.
43.20B.050LiensCompromiseSettlement or judgment.
43.20B.060Reimbursement for medical care or residential careLienSubrogationDelegation of lien and subrogation rights.
43.20B.070Torts committed against recipients of state assistanceDuties of attorney representing recipientTrust account for departmental lien.
43.20B.080Recovery for paid medical assistanceRulesDisclosure of estate recovery costs, terms, and conditions.
43.20B.090Recovery for paid medical assistance and state-funded long-term careLegislative intentLegislative confirmation of effect of 1994 c 21.
43.20B.095Establishment and recovery of debts for the department of children, youth, and families.
43.20B.110License fees to be charged by secretaryWaiverReview and comment.
43.20B.120Funeral assistanceLien against assets.
43.20B.310Residential care payments by families, when not collected.
43.20B.320Mental illnessTreatment costsCriminally insaneLiability.
43.20B.325Mental illnessHospitalization chargesHow computed.
43.20B.330Mental illnessTreatment costsLiability.
43.20B.335Mental illnessTreatment costsDetermination of ability to payStandardsRules and regulations.
43.20B.340Mental illnessTreatment costsNotice and finding of responsibilityPeriodAdjudicative proceedings.
43.20B.345Mental illnessTreatment costsJudgment for accrued amounts.
43.20B.347Mental illnessTreatment costsLien against real and personal property.
43.20B.350Mental illnessTreatment costsModification or vacation of findings of responsibility.
43.20B.355Mental illnessHospitalization chargesDue dateCollection.
43.20B.360Mental illnessHospitalization chargesCollectionStatutes of limitation.
43.20B.370Mental illnessHospitalization chargesCollectionProsecuting attorneys to assist.
43.20B.410Residential habilitation centersLiability for costs of servicesDeclaration of purpose.
43.20B.415State residential schoolsLiability for costs of servicesLimitation.
43.20B.420Residential habilitation centersDetermination of costs of servicesEstablishment of ratesCollection.
43.20B.425Residential habilitation centersCosts of servicesInvestigation and determination of ability to payExemptions.
43.20B.430Residential habilitation centersCosts of servicesInitial notice and finding of responsibilityServiceAdjudicative proceeding.
43.20B.435State residential habilitation centersCosts of servicesModification or vacation of initial finding of responsibility.
43.20B.440Residential habilitation centersCosts of servicesCharges payable in advance.
43.20B.445Residential habilitation centersCosts of servicesReimbursement from property subsequently acquiredPlacement outside schoolLiability after death of resident.
43.20B.450State residential habilitation centersCosts of servicesLiabilities created apply to care, support, and treatment after July 1, 1967.
43.20B.455Residential habilitation centersCosts of servicesDiscretionary allowance in resident's fund.
43.20B.460Guardianship fees and additional costs for incapacitated clients paying part of costsMaximum amountRules.
43.20B.620Overpayments of assistanceLien against recipient's propertyRecovery methods.
43.20B.630Overpayments of assistanceProceduresAdjudicative proceeding.
43.20B.635Overpayments of assistanceOrders to withhold property of debtorProcedures.
43.20B.640Overpayments of assistanceFailure to withhold property of debtor.
43.20B.645Overpayments of assistanceAssignment of earnings.
43.20B.660Improper realty transferSuit to rescindRecovery from recipient's estate.
43.20B.670Excess property assistance programLienDepartment as creditor.
43.20B.675Vendor overpaymentsGoods or services provided on or after July 1, 1998NoticeAdjudicative proceedingEnforcementCollectionRules.
43.20B.680Vendor overpaymentsLien or other securitySetoff or recoupmentException.
43.20B.685Vendor overpaymentsLiensDurationEnforcement.
43.20B.688Limitation on actions to enforce vendor overpayment debts.
43.20B.690Vendor overpaymentsRemedies nonexclusive.
43.20B.695Vendor overpaymentsInterestExceptions.
43.20B.710Medical assistanceImproper transfer or assignment of resourcesPenaltyPresumption, rebuttalAttorney's fees.
43.20B.720Recipient receiving industrial insurance compensationSubrogation rights of departmentLienWithhold and deliver notice.
43.20B.730Recipient receiving industrial insurance compensationEffective date of lien and noticeService.
43.20B.735Recipient receiving industrial insurance compensationDuty to withhold and deliverAmount.
43.20B.740Recipient receiving industrial insurance compensationAdjudicative proceedingCollection pending final order.
43.20B.745Recipient receiving industrial insurance compensationApplication.
43.20B.750Recipients holding title to real property or purchasing under land sales contractsRecording request for notice or termination or request for notice of transfer or encumbrance of propertyNotice and hearingRules.
43.20B.900Savings1987 c 75.
43.20B.902ConstructionChapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships2009 c 521.