PDFRCW 28A.160.140

Contract for pupil transportation services with private nongovernmental entityCompetitive bid procedures.

As a condition of entering into a pupil transportation services contract with a private nongovernmental entity, each school district shall engage in an open competitive process at least once every five years. This requirement shall not be construed to prohibit a district from entering into a pupil transportation services contract of less than five years in duration with a district option to renew, extend, or terminate the contract, if the district engages in an open competitive process at least once every five years after July 26, 1987. As used in this section:
(1) "Open competitive process" means either one of the following, at the choice of the school district:
(a) The solicitation of bids or quotations and the award of contracts under RCW 28A.335.190; or
(b) The competitive solicitation of proposals and their evaluation consistent with the process and criteria recommended or required, as the case may be, by the office of financial management for state agency acquisition of personal service contractors;
(2) "Pupil transportation services contract" means a contract for the operation of privately owned or school district owned school buses, and the services of drivers or operators, management and supervisory personnel, and their support personnel such as secretaries, dispatchers, and mechanics, or any combination thereof, to provide students with transportation to and from school on a regular basis; and
(3) "School bus" means a motor vehicle as defined in RCW 46.04.521 and under the rules of the superintendent of public instruction.
[ 1990 c 33 § 140; 1987 c 141 § 2. Formerly RCW 28A.58.133.]


Severability1987 c 141: See note following RCW 28A.335.170.