Chapter 43.60A RCW



HTMLPDF 43.60A.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.020Department createdPowers, duties, and functions.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.030DirectorQualificationsSalaryVacancy.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.040General powers and duties of director.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.050Deputy directorAssistant directors.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.060Delegation of powers and duties.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.070Additional powers and duties of director.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.075Powers as to state veterans' homes.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.080Veterans affairs advisory committeeCreatedMembershipTermsPowers and duties.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.100Counseling servicesVeterans, including national guard and reservists.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.101Peer-to-peer support programReport to the legislature.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.110CounselingCoordination of programs.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.120CounselingPriority.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.130CounselingPosttraumatic stress disorder and combat stress program.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.140Veterans stewardship account.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.150Veterans conservation corpsCreated.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.151Veterans conservation corpsEmployment assistanceAgreements for educational benefitsReceipt of gifts, grants, or federal moneys.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.152Collaboration with departments implementing the Washington conservation corps.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.154Agreements with federal entities for projects.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.155Cooperation with the salmon recovery funding board regarding project work.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.160Veterans innovations program.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.175Receipt of gifts, grants, or endowmentsRule-making authority.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.185Veterans innovations program account.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.190Certified veteran-owned businesses.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.195Veteran-owned business certificationRulesOutreach.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.200Awards of procurement contracts by state agencies to veteran-owned businesses.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.210Donations to disabled veterans assistance account.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.215Disabled veterans assistance account.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.220Helmets to hardhats program.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.230Veterans service officer program.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.235Veterans service officer fund.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.237Veterans service officer and peer mentoring programsGrants.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.240Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer coordinatorCreatedDutiesReport.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.245Military spouse liaisonCreatedDuties.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.247Demonstration campaign to increase military spouse employment.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.250Purple heart stateSignageAccount.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.260Suicide prevention community-based services grant program.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.270Veterans and military members suicide prevention account.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.275Governor's challenge team and service members, veterans, and their families suicide prevention advisory committeeBiannual report on plan implementation.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.280Mental health, well-being, and suicide prevention resources.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.290Discharge and separation documentsConfidential.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.900Transfer of personnel of department of social and health services engaged in veterans' servicesRights preserved.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.903Certification when apportionments of budgeted funds required because of transfers.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.904Federal programsRules and regulationsInternal reorganization to meet federal requirementsConstruction to comply with federal lawConflicting parts inoperative.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.906Collective bargaining units or agreements not altered.
HTMLPDF 43.60A.907Liberal construction1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 115.


Veterans and veterans' affairs: Title 73 RCW.