PDFRCW 43.102.080

InvestigationsDuties and powers.

(1) The office has jurisdiction over, and is authorized to conduct investigations of, all cases and incidents as established within this section.
(2)(a) The director may cause an investigation to be conducted into any incident:
(i) Of a use of deadly force by an involved officer occurring after July 1, 2022, including any incident involving use of deadly force by an involved officer against or upon a person who is in-custody or out-of-custody; or
(ii) Involving prior investigations of deadly force by an involved officer if new evidence is brought forth that was not included in the initial investigation.
(b) This section applies only if, at the time of the incident:
(i) The involved officer was on duty; or
(ii) The involved officer was off duty but:
(A) Engaged in the investigation, pursuit, detention, or arrest of a person or otherwise exercising the powers of a general authority or limited authority Washington peace officer; or
(B) The incident involved equipment or other property issued to the official in relation to his or her duties.
(3) The director shall determine prioritization of investigations based on resources and other criteria which may be established in consultation with the advisory board. The director shall ensure that incidents occurring after the date the office begins investigating cases receive the highest priority for investigation.
(4) The investigation should include a review of the entire incident, including but not limited to events immediately preceding the incident that may have contributed to or influenced the outcome of the incident that are directly related to the incident under investigation.
(5) Upon receiving notification required in RCW 43.102.120 of an incident under the jurisdiction of the office, the director:
(a) May cause the incident to be investigated in accordance with this chapter;
(b) May determine investigation is not appropriate for reasons including, but not limited to, the case not being in the category of prioritized cases; or
(c) If the director determines that the incident is not within the office's jurisdiction to investigate, the director shall decline to investigate, and shall give notice of the fact to the involved agency.
(6) If the director determines the case is to be investigated the director will communicate the decision to investigate to the involved agency and will thereafter be the lead investigative body in the case and have priority over any other state or local agency investigating the incident or a case that is under the jurisdiction of the office. The director will implement the process developed pursuant to RCW 43.102.050 and conduct the appropriate investigation in accordance with the process.
(7) In conducting the investigation the office shall have access to reports and information necessary or related to the investigation in the custody and control of the involved agency and any law enforcement agency responding to the scene of the incident including, but not limited to, voice or video recordings, body camera recordings, and officer notes, as well as disciplinary and administrative records except those that might be statements conducted as part of an administrative investigation related to the incident.
(8) The investigation shall be concluded within 120 days of acceptance of the case for investigation. If the office is not able to complete the investigation within 120 days, the director shall report to the advisory board the reasons for the delay.
[ 2021 c 318 § 308.]


FindingIntent2021 c 318: See note following RCW 43.102.020.