Chapter 54.04 RCW



HTMLPDF 54.04.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 54.04.020Districts authorized.
HTMLPDF 54.04.030Restrictions on invading other municipalities.
HTMLPDF 54.04.035Annexation of territory.
HTMLPDF 54.04.037Annexation of territoryCoordination among county officials.
HTMLPDF 54.04.039County with federal nuclear reservation within its boundariesSpecial procedure for addition or withdrawal of territory from public utility district.
HTMLPDF 54.04.040Utilities within a city or townRestrictions.
HTMLPDF 54.04.045Locally regulated utilitiesAttachments to polesRatesContracting.
HTMLPDF 54.04.050Group employee insuranceDeferred compensation plansSupplemental savings plans.
HTMLPDF 54.04.055Employee benefitsDistrict may continue to pay premiums after employee retires.
HTMLPDF 54.04.060District elections.
HTMLPDF 54.04.070Contracts for work or materialsNoticeExemptionsUnit priced contracts.
HTMLPDF 54.04.080BidsDepositLow bidder claiming errorContractBondDefinitions.
HTMLPDF 54.04.082Alternative bid procedure.
HTMLPDF 54.04.085Electrical facility construction or improvementBid proposalsContract proposal formsConditions for issuanceAppeals.
HTMLPDF 54.04.090Minimum wages.
HTMLPDF 54.04.092Application of RCW 54.04.070 through 54.04.090 to certain service provider agreements under chapter 70A.140 RCW.
HTMLPDF 54.04.100Wholesale powerProcedure as to rate filingDefinitionDuty to furnish to district.
HTMLPDF 54.04.120Planning powers.
HTMLPDF 54.04.130Employee benefit plans when private utility acquiredRights, powers and duties as to existing private employee benefit plans.
HTMLPDF 54.04.140Employee benefit plans when private utility acquiredAdmission to district's employee planService creditContributionsBenefits.
HTMLPDF 54.04.150Employee benefit plans when private utility acquiredAgreements and contractsPrior rights preserved.
HTMLPDF 54.04.160Assumption of obligations of private pension plan when urban transportation system acquired.
HTMLPDF 54.04.170Collective bargaining authorized for employees.
HTMLPDF 54.04.180Collective bargaining authorized for districts.
HTMLPDF 54.04.190Production and distribution of biodiesel, ethanol, and ethanol blend fuelsCrop purchase contracts for dedicated energy cropsProduction and utilization of renewable natural gas and renewable hydrogenSale of renewable natural gas, green electrolytic hydrogen, or renewable hydrogen.


Lien for labor and materials on public works: Chapter 60.28 RCW.
Local governmental organizations, actions affecting boundaries, etc., review by boundary review board: Chapter 36.93 RCW.
Traffic control at work sites: RCW 47.36.200.
Utility poles, unlawful to attach object toPenalty: RCW 70.54.090.