HTMLPDF | 77.85.005 | Findings—Intent. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.010 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.020 | Consolidated report on salmon recovery and watershed health. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.030 | Governor's salmon recovery office—Purpose and duties. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.040 | Independent science panel on salmon recovery—Purpose. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.050 | Habitat project lists. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.060 | Critical pathways methodology—Habitat work schedule. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.080 | Sea grant program—Technical assistance authorized. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.090 | Southwest Washington salmon recovery region—Created—Recognition as a regional recovery organization—Puget Sound salmon recovery organizations. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.110 | Salmon recovery funding board—Creation—Membership. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.120 | Board responsibilities—Grants and loans administration assistance. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.130 | Allocation of funds—Procedures and criteria. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.135 | Habitat project funding—Statement of environmental benefits—Development of outcome-focused performance measures. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.140 | Habitat project lists—Tracking of funds. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.150 | Statewide salmon recovery strategy—Prospective application. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.160 | Salmon monitoring data, information. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.170 | Salmon recovery account. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.180 | Findings. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.190 | Federal assurances in forests and fish report—Events constituting failure of assurances—Governor's authority to negotiate. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.200 | Salmon and steelhead recovery program—Management board—Duties. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.220 | Salmon intertidal habitat restoration planning process—Task force—Reports. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.230 | Intertidal salmon enhancement plan—Elements—Initial and final plan. |
HTMLPDF | 77.85.240 | Puget Sound partners. |