PDFRCW 77.135.220

Aquatic invasive species prevention permitsCommercial transporters and aquatic conveyances.

(1) The department may issue aquatic invasive species prevention permits to commercial transporters of vessels and aquatic conveyances.
(2) A person must obtain a Washington state aquatic invasive species prevention permit before commercially transporting into or through the state one or more of the following conveyances that have previously been placed or operated in the waters of any state or country: (a) A small vessel; (b) a registered vessel; (c) a seaplane; or (d) a commercial vessel.
(3) The valid aquatic invasive species prevention permit must be present and readily available for inspection upon request by a fish and wildlife officer or ex officio fish and wildlife officer at any location where the listed conveyance is associated with the transport vehicle.
(4) The aquatic invasive species prevention permit is transferable between vehicles and vehicle operators of the same business used to commercially transport aquatic conveyances but a separate permit is required for each vehicle operator commercially transporting aquatic conveyances at any given time.
(5) An aquatic invasive species prevention permit is not required to commercially transport new conveyances if the vehicle operator has documentation present and readily available proving all conveyances originated from the manufacturer or vendor and the conveyances have never been placed or operated in waters of any state or country.
[ 2017 3rd sp.s. c 17 § 202.]