Chapter 90.90 RCW



HTMLPDF 90.90.005Finding.
HTMLPDF 90.90.010Columbia river basin water supply development accountUse for storage facilities and access to water suppliesEvaluationPublic commentUse of net water savingsWater service contracts.
HTMLPDF 90.90.020Allocation and development of water supplies.
HTMLPDF 90.90.030Voluntary regional agreementsScope and applicationDefinitions.
HTMLPDF 90.90.040Columbia river water supply inventoryLong-term water supply and demand forecast.
HTMLPDF 90.90.050Columbia river mainstem water resources information system.
HTMLPDF 90.90.060Additional releases of water from Lake Roosevelt.
HTMLPDF 90.90.070Columbia river water delivery accountCreationDistribution.
HTMLPDF 90.90.080Impacts of water releaseDepartment of ecology's duties.
HTMLPDF 90.90.090Columbia river basin taxable bond water supply development accountWater service contracts.
HTMLPDF 90.90.100Columbia river basin water supply revenue recovery accountWater service contracts.
HTMLPDF 90.90.110Use of certain water made available through reoperation of Sullivan lake.
HTMLPDF 90.90.120Walla Walla water 2050 plan.
HTMLPDF 90.90.900Effective date2006 c 6.