Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 36.70 RCW
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36.70.010Purpose and intent.
36.70.015Expenditure of funds declared public purpose.
36.70.025"Solar energy system" defined.
36.70.040DepartmentCreationCreation of commission to assist department.
36.70.050Authority for planning.
36.70.060Regional planning commissionAppointment and powers.
36.70.090CommissionMembershipTermsExisting commissions.
36.70.130Planning agencyMeetings.
36.70.140Planning agencyRules and records.
36.70.150Planning agencyJoint meetings.
36.70.180Joint director.
36.70.190Special services.
36.70.200Board of adjustmentCreationZoning adjustor.
36.70.210Board of adjustmentMembershipQuorum.
36.70.220Board of adjustmentAppointmentAppointment of zoning adjustor.
36.70.230Board of adjustmentTerms.
36.70.240Board of adjustmentVacancies.
36.70.250Board of adjustmentRemoval.
36.70.260Board of adjustmentOrganization.
36.70.270Board of adjustmentMeetings.
36.70.280Board of adjustmentRules and records.
36.70.290Appropriation for planning agency, board of adjustment.
36.70.300Accept gifts.
36.70.310Conference and travel expensesCommission members and staff.
36.70.315Public noticeIdentification of affected property.
36.70.317Statement of restrictions applicable to real property.
36.70.320Comprehensive plan.
36.70.330Comprehensive planRequired elements.
36.70.340Comprehensive planAmplification of required elements.
36.70.350Comprehensive planOptional elements.
36.70.360Comprehensive planCooperation with affected agencies.
36.70.370Comprehensive planFiling of copies.
36.70.380Comprehensive planPublic hearing required.
36.70.390Comprehensive planNotice of hearing.
36.70.400Comprehensive planApprovalRequired voteRecord.
36.70.410Comprehensive planAmendment.
36.70.420Comprehensive planReferral to board.
36.70.430Comprehensive planBoard may initiate or changeNotice.
36.70.440Comprehensive planBoard may approve or changeNotice.
36.70.450Planning agencyRelating projects to comprehensive plan.
36.70.460Planning agencyAnnual report.
36.70.470Planning agencyPromotion of public interest in plan.
36.70.480Planning agencyCooperation with agencies.
36.70.490Information to be furnished agency.
36.70.493Manufactured housing communitiesProhibitions of county due to community status as a nonconforming use.
36.70.495Planning regulationsCopies provided to county assessor.
36.70.500Right of entryCommission or planning staff.
36.70.510Special referred mattersReports.
36.70.520Required submission of capital expenditure projects.
36.70.530Relating capital expenditure projects to comprehensive plan.
36.70.540Referral procedureReports.
36.70.545Development regulationsConsistency with comprehensive plan.
36.70.547General aviation airportsSiting of incompatible uses.
36.70.550Official controls.
36.70.560Official controlsForms of controls.
36.70.570Official controlsAdoption.
36.70.580Official controlsPublic hearing by commission.
36.70.590Official controlsNotice of hearing.
36.70.600Official controlsRecommendation to boardRequired vote.
36.70.610Official controlsReference to board.
36.70.620Official controlsAction by board.
36.70.630Official controlsBoard to conduct hearing, adopt findings prior to incorporating changes in recommended control.
36.70.640Official controlsBoard may initiate.
36.70.650Board final authority.
36.70.660Procedures for adoption of controls limited to planning matters.
36.70.670EnforcementOfficial controls.
36.70.675Child care facilitiesReview of need and demandAdoption of ordinances.
36.70.678Conditional and special use permit applications by parties licensed or certified by the department of social and health services or the department of correctionsMediation prior to appeal required.
36.70.680Subdividing and platting.
36.70.690County improvements.
36.70.692County development regulationsProposed water uses.
36.70.695Development regulationsJurisdictions specifiedElectric vehicle infrastructure.
36.70.700Planning agencyTime limit for report.
36.70.710Final authority.
36.70.720Prerequisite for zoning.
36.70.730Text without map.
36.70.740Zoning mapProgressive adoption.
36.70.750ZoningTypes of regulations.
36.70.755Residential care facilitiesReview of need and demandAdoption of ordinances.
36.70.757Family day-care provider's home facilityCounty may not prohibit in residential or commercial areaConditions.
36.70.760Establishing zones.
36.70.770All regulations shall be uniform in each zone.
36.70.780Classifying unmapped areas.
36.70.790Interim zoning.
36.70.795Moratoria, interim zoning controlsPublic hearingLimitation on length.
36.70.800Procedural amendmentsZoning ordinance.
36.70.810Board of adjustmentAuthority.
36.70.820Board of adjustmentQuasi-judicial powers.
36.70.830Board of adjustmentAppealsTime limit.
36.70.840Board of adjustmentNotice of time and place of hearing on conditional permit.
36.70.850Board of adjustmentAppealNotice of time and place.
36.70.860Board of adjustmentScope of authority on appeal.
36.70.870Zoning adjustorPowers and duties.
36.70.880Zoning adjustorAction final unless appealed.
36.70.890Board of adjustmentAction finalWrits.
36.70.900Inclusion of findings of fact.
36.70.910Short title.
36.70.920Duties and responsibilities imposed by other acts.
36.70.930Chapter alternative method.
36.70.940Elective adoption.
36.70.970Hearing examiner systemAdoption authorizedAlternativeFunctionsProcedures.
36.70.980Conformance with chapter 43.97 RCW required.
36.70.982Fish enhancement projectsCounty's liability.
36.70.990Treatment of residential structures occupied by persons with handicaps.
36.70.992Watershed restoration projectsPermit processingFish habitat enhancement project.
36.70.994Pollinator habitatsBeehivesDefinitions.
Acquisition of interests in land for conservation, protection, preservation, or open space purposes by counties: RCW 64.04.130.
Alternative planning enabling act: Chapter 35.63 RCW.
Appearance of fairness doctrineApplication to local land use decisions: RCW 42.36.010.
County, sewerage, water, and drainage systems as part of comprehensive plan: Chapter 36.70 RCW.
Expediting completion of projects of statewide significanceRequirements of agreements: RCW 43.157.020.
Joint operations by political subdivisions, deposit and control of funds: RCW 43.09.285.
Unfit dwellings, buildings, and structures: Chapter 35.80 RCW.