PDFWAC 4-30-034

Responding to board inquiries.

All licensees, including out-of-state individuals exercising practice privileges in this state under RCW 18.04.350(2) and out-of-state firms permitted to offer or render certain professional services in this state under the conditions prescribed in RCW 18.04.195 (1)(a) and (b), nonlicensee firm owners, and applicants must respond, in writing, to board communications requesting a response. Your response must be made within 20 days of the date the board's communication is posted in the U.S. mail. Communications from the board to you are directed to the last address you furnished the board.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.04.055. WSR 24-04-024, § 4-30-034, filed 1/29/24, effective 7/1/24; WSR 16-17-036, § 4-30-034, filed 8/9/16, effective 9/9/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.04.055(16). WSR 10-24-009, amended and recodified as § 4-30-034, filed 11/18/10, effective 12/19/10; WSR 08-18-016, § 4-25-551, filed 8/25/08, effective 9/25/08; WSR 05-01-137, § 4-25-551, filed 12/16/04, effective 1/31/05; WSR 01-22-036, § 4-25-551, filed 10/30/01, effective 12/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.04.055. WSR 98-12-047, § 4-25-551, filed 5/29/98, effective 6/29/98; WSR 93-12-072, § 4-25-551, filed 5/27/93, effective 7/1/93.]