PDFWAC 16-310-030


"Accreditation" means the formal recognition by the department that a cannabis laboratory is capable of producing accurate and defensible analytical data. This recognition is signified by the issuance of a written accreditation letter, accompanied by a scope of accreditation indicating the parameters for which the laboratory is accredited.
"Accreditation year" means the one-year period as stated on the letter of accreditation.
"Analyte" means the constituent or property of a sample measured using an analytical method.
"Analytical data" means the recorded qualitative and/or quantitative results of a chemical, physical, biological, microbiological, radiochemical, or other scientific determination.
"Analytical method" means a written procedure for acquiring analytical data.
"Audit" means an inspection and evaluation of laboratory methods, instrumentation, facilities, equipment, records, and staff.
"Board" means the Washington state liquor and cannabis board.
"Cannabis laboratory" or "laboratory" means a facility:
(a) Under the ownership and technical management of a single entity in a single geographical location;
(b) Where scientific determinations are performed on samples taken from cannabis plants and products; and
(c) Where data is submitted to the customer or regulatory agency, or other entity requiring the use of an accredited laboratory under provisions of a regulation, permit, or contractual agreement.
"Data pack" means documentation created that supports each sample collected and sent to the laboratory for testing to include, but not limited to, any and all chain of custodies, manifests, worksheets, testing data including repeat testing, calibration data, quality control data, final report to customer, and any document created or received for that sample from time of receipt to disposal of sample.
"Data traceability" or "traceability" means the ability to recreate the final result by means of records.
(a) Records must be an unbroken trail of accountability for verifying or validating the chain of custody of samples, the data, the documentation of a procedure, certificates of analysis, and the values of a standard.
(b) This unbroken trail begins upon receipt of the samples at the laboratory.
"Department" means the state of Washington department of agriculture.
"Good standing" means the laboratory has met all its obligations to the state to remain certified by the board such as passing proficiency testing, current with any and all payments required, current with all accreditation requirements, and has no outstanding obligations to the board.
"Interlaboratory comparison" means a method used in quality control to evaluate the consistency and accuracy of test results across multiple laboratories. It involves sending sample replicates to different labs and comparing the results to identify discrepancies or variations.
"Matrix" means the material to be analyzed including, but not limited to, flower, trim, leaves, other plant matter, cannabis concentrate, cannabis infused, and edibles.
"Parameter" means the combination of one or more analytes determined by a specific analytical method.
"Precision" means the closeness of agreement between independent test results obtained under specified conditions. This is described by statistical methods such as a standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation (CV), or confidence limit of test results.
"Proficiency testing (PT)" means evaluation of the results from the analysis of samples, the true values of which are known to the supplier of the samples but unknown to the laboratory conducting the analyses.
"Proficiency testing provider" means a third-party company, organization, or entity not associated with certified laboratories or a laboratory seeking accreditation that is approved by the department and provides samples for use in PT testing.
"Quality assurance (QA) manual" means a written record intended to assure the reliability of measurement data. A QA manual documents policies, organization, objectives, and specific QC and QA activities.
"Quality control (QC)" means the routine application of statistically based procedures to evaluate and control the accuracy of analytical results.
"Regular business hours" means the time frame during which the laboratory conducts testing or normal business. Should a laboratory have multiple shifts to conduct testing, normal business hours would include these shifts.
"Sample" means a representative portion of material taken from a larger quantity of homogenate for the purpose of examination or analysis, which can be used for judging the quality of a larger quantity for the purpose of compliance.
"Standard operating procedures (SOP)" means a written document that details the method for an operation, analysis, or action with thoroughly prescribed techniques and steps, and that is officially approved as the method for performing certain routine or repetitive tasks.
"Validation" means the process of demonstrating or confirming the performance characteristics through assessments of data quality indicators for a method of analysis.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 69.50.348. WSR 24-13-102, § 16-310-030, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/1/24.]