PDFWAC 16-310-140

Evaluation and issuance of accreditation.

(1) After the department's determination that an applicant laboratory has met the requirements in chapter 16-309 WAC and this chapter, the department will grant approval of the application and provide the applicant laboratory with proof of accreditation and a scope of accreditation listing the accredited parameters.
(2) If the department grants an interim or provisional accreditation, the department will provide the laboratory a report specifying deficiencies and/or missing information necessary to upgrade all parameters to accreditation status.
(3) If the department denies the application for accreditation in whole, it will provide written notification to the applicant laboratory specifying:
(a) Areas of deficiency in meeting the requirements in chapter 16-309 WAC or this chapter; and
(b) Any missing information the department needs to complete the review of the laboratory's application.
(4) The laboratory shall have 30 calendar days from the receipt of the notification to provide the requested information to the department or provide documentation to the department that describes how the specified deficiencies have or will be corrected. Initial accreditation will not be issued until deficiencies have been corrected.
(a) Based on its review of documentation provided by the applicant laboratory, the department will issue a written decision that states whether the laboratory's application is granted or denied.
(b) If the requested information is not provided within the required time frame, the department will deny the application and the applicant must submit a new application to the department if they seek to obtain accreditation.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 69.50.348. WSR 24-13-102, § 16-310-140, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/1/24.]