PDFWAC 16-310-160

Provisional accreditation.

(1) The department may approve an existing laboratory with prior accreditation for provisional accreditation when the department determines that the laboratory can consistently produce valid analytical data but has deficiencies requiring corrective action.
(a) When the laboratory has corrected such deficiencies, it must provide documented evidence of correction to the department or request a follow-up audit, as appropriate.
(b) If the department determines the deficiencies have been corrected, it may approve full accreditation as in WAC 16-310-140.
(2) The department may extend a provisional accreditation in 30-day intervals for up to one year.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 69.50.348. WSR 24-13-102, § 16-310-160, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/1/24.]