PDFWAC 110-148-1330

May I receive more than one in-home family license and what are the requirements for requesting and holding multiple licenses, certifications, or authorizations?

(1) The department may approve licensees' request to have more than one department license, certification, or authorization, e.g., child care license and foster care license.
(2) If providers hold both a child care license and a foster care license, the providers must comply with WAC 110-300-0300 and develop and follow a written individual care plan for every child in care with developmental, health, or behavioral needs.
(3) To offer overnight child care, licensees who hold both a child care early learning program license authorized under chapter 110-300 WAC, and a foster family home license authorized under this chapter, must comply with:
(a) WAC 110-300-0270; and
(b) All other applicable rules under this chapter and chapter 110-300 WAC.
(4) Applicants must submit a complete licensing application for each license they are seeking:
(a) The license application must be completed by the applicant pursuant to the laws and rules that govern each license; and
(b) For applicants who apply for more than one license, the department must conduct an individualized assessment of each complete license application prior to approving or denying an application for any license, certification, or authorization requested by the applicant.
(5) When requests are received for multiple licenses, the department will determine the capacity limits for each license based on the requirements in:
(a) Title 110 WAC; and
(b) The chapter within Title 110 WAC that authorizes the license.
(6) If the department determines that licensees are not in compliance with all applicable requirements and regulations for any license, certification, or authorization:
(a) The department and licensees may mutually agree to amend one or more of the licenses, certifications, or authorizations;
(b) The licensees may voluntarily agree to surrender or relinquish one or more of the licenses, certifications, or authorizations to the department; or
(c) The department may issue fines or suspend, deny, modify, or revoke one or more of the licenses as outlined in RCW 43.216.325 and 74.15.130.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.15.030, 43.216.055, 43.216.065, and 43.216.250. WSR 24-17-063, § 110-148-1330, filed 8/15/24, effective 9/15/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.15.030. WSR 22-11-091, § 110-148-1330, filed 5/18/22, effective 6/18/22. WSR 18-14-078, recodified as § 110-148-1330, filed 6/29/18, effective 7/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapters 13.34 and 74.13 RCW, RCW 74.15.030(2), 74.15.311(2), 74.13.032, 13.04.011, 74.13.020, 13.34.030, 74.13.031, 13.34.145, 74.15.311, 74.15.030, and 2013 c 105. WSR 15-01-069, § 388-148-1330, filed 12/11/14, effective 1/11/15.]