PDFWAC 246-70-080

Employee training.

(1) Marijuana producers, processors and retailers that create, handle, or sell compliant marijuana products shall adopt and enforce policies and procedures to ensure employees and volunteers receive training about the requirements of this chapter.
(2) Marijuana retailers holding a medical marijuana endorsement shall also adopt and enforce policies and procedures to ensure employees and volunteers receive training about:
(a) Procedures regarding the recognition of valid authorizations and the use of equipment to enter qualifying patients and designated providers into the medical marijuana authorization database;
(b) Identification of valid recognition cards;
(c) Adherence to confidentiality requirements; and
(d) Science-based information about cannabinoids, strains, varieties, THC concentration, CBD concentration, and THC to CBD ratios of marijuana concentrates, usable marijuana, and marijuana-infused products available for sale when assisting qualifying patients and designated providers at the retail outlet.
(3) Nothing in subsection (2) of this section allows any owner, employee, or volunteer to:
(a) Perform the duties of a medical marijuana consultant or represent themselves as a medical marijuana consultant unless the person holds a valid certificate issued by the secretary under chapter 246-72 WAC;
(b) Offer or undertake to diagnose or cure any human or animal disease, ailment, injury, infirmity, deformity, pain, or other condition, physical or mental, real or imaginary, by use of marijuana products or any other means or instrumentality; or
(c) Recommend or suggest modification or elimination of any course of treatment that does not involve the medical use of marijuana or marijuana products.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 69.50.375 and 80.08.9998. WSR 16-20-022, ยง 246-70-080, filed 9/27/16, effective 10/28/16.]