(1) A practitioner shall wear gloves whenever there is a potential for contact with blood, body fluids, mucous membranes, nonintact skin, or contaminated equipment.
(a) New gloves are required for each patient.
(b) Gloves must not be washed or reused.
(c) Gloves selection must be based on the performance characteristics of the glove in relation to the task to be performed as applicable in WAC
296-800-16065 and
(2) A practitioner shall wear mouth, nose, and eye protection during procedures that are likely to generate aerosols or splashes or splattering of blood or other body fluids.
(3) A practitioner shall comply with Washington state occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens WAC
[Statutory Authority: RCW
18.32.002 and
18.32.0365. WSR 21-01-214, ยง 246-817-640, filed 12/23/20, effective 1/23/21.]