PDFWAC 246-834-062

Initial or reinstating application for individuals who have not been in the active practice of midwifery.

This section applies to applicants for an initial license as a licensed midwife, or reinstatement of a midwifery license, who have not been in the active practice of midwifery prior to initial or reinstatement license application.
(1) Any applicant who has not been engaged in the active practice of midwifery for more than three years but less than five years prior to the date of application shall, in addition to the requirements for licensure as specified in WAC 246-834-030 and 246-834-060:
(a) Provide documentation of a minimum of 10 births while acting as a birth assistant under the supervision of a preceptor within the last 12 months; and
(b) Provide documentation of completion of continuing education for the three years prior to application that meets the requirements of WAC 246-834-355.
(2) Any initial or reinstating applicant who has not been engaged in the active practice of midwifery for five or more years prior to the date of application shall, in addition to the requirements for licensure as specified in WAC 246-834-030 and 246-834-060:
(a) Provide documentation of a minimum of 15 births while acting as a birth assistant under the supervision of a preceptor within the last 12 months;
(b) Provide documentation of completion of continuing education for the three years prior that meets the requirements of WAC 246-834-355; and
(c) If applying for reinstatement, retake and pass the current Washington state midwifery licensure examination.
(3) This section does not apply to any applicant who has been enrolled in a recognized educational program under WAC 246-834-020 or 246-834-065.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.50.115, 18.50.135, 43.70.613, 2022 c 289, and 2021 c 276. WSR 24-10-091, § 246-834-062, filed 4/30/24, effective 6/6/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.50.010, 18.50.040, 18.50.050, 18.50.135, and 2014 c 187. WSR 17-15-024, § 246-834-062, filed 7/7/17, effective 8/7/17.]