PDFWAC 284-04-520

Authorization request delivery.

A request for authorization and an authorization form may be delivered to a consumer or a customer as part of an opt-out notice pursuant to WAC 284-04-225, provided that the request and the authorization form are clear and conspicuous. An authorization form is not required to be delivered to the consumer or customer or included in any other notices unless the licensee intends to disclose protected health information pursuant to WAC 284-04-500(1).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.43.505 and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Public Law 102-106, sec. 501(b), sec. 505 (b)(2). WSR 01-03-034 (Matter No. R 2000-08), ยง 284-04-520, filed 1/9/01, effective 2/9/01.]