PDFWAC 388-60B-0120

Facility requirementsWhat facility requirements must a program meet for the space where domestic violence intervention assessments or treatment services are provided?

Each program certified to provide assessments or any level of care must ensure that its physical and virtual treatment space is suitable for the purposes intended.
(1) For programs that offer behavioral assessments or any level of treatment at a physical location:
(a) The group room must easily accommodate 14 people, not counting space taken by staff desks, file cabinets, or similar items; or
(b) If the program regularly and consistently holds groups smaller than 12 participants, the group room must be able to comfortably accommodate the size of the group and facilitator based on attendance records.
(2) The program must ensure that the facility space:
(a) Is not a personal residence;
(b) Is accessible to an individual with a disability, and if a program operates in a historic building or a building that was constructed before current ADA standards, the program must inform potential participants of barriers to accessibility and offer the participant a referral to programs that are ADA accessible when applicable;
(c) Has a reception area separate from treatment areas;
(d) Ensures confidentiality and anonymity for participants including:
(i) Having window coverings for reception, group, and assessment spaces; and
(ii) Having signage outside the building that does not indicate domestic violence treatment;
(e) Has adequate private space for personal consultation with an individual, staff charting, and therapeutic activities, as appropriate;
(f) Has secure and locked storage of active and closed confidential participant and victim records which are not accessible to participants or the public;
(g) Has separate, secure storage of poisonous external chemicals and caustic materials;
(h) Has evacuation routes with highlighted emergency exits posted in each room used by participants or staff;
(i) Has a restroom available to participants and staff during business hours; and
(j) Has sufficient ventilation and temperature control to facilitate assessments or groups comfortably.
(3) If the program operates in the same building or in very close proximity to a victim services program, the domestic violence intervention treatment program must conduct assessments and groups sessions at least three hours apart from any victim services.
(4) A different agreement in regard to proximity and day or time allowances or restrictions may supersede the requirements of the standard in WAC 388-60B-0120(3) when it is outlined by a signed memorandum of understanding between the treatment program and the victim services program.
Exception: Domestic violence intervention treatment services being delivered off-site, such as in jails or prisons are not subject to the facility standards in this section.
(5) For programs that offer behavioral assessments or any level of treatment through live HIPAA compliant video conferencing:
(a) The assessor or group facilitator must ensure they are in a confidential setting, unable to be heard by others who are not part of the session.
(b) Permanent walls must separate the assessor or group facilitator from others. A temporary screen or cubicle or other barrier of the like is not permitted to create a confidential space.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20A.735. WSR 25-03-090, s 388-60B-0120, filed 1/16/25, effective 2/16/25. WSR 19-15-044, recodified as § 388-60B-0120, filed 7/11/19, effective 7/28/19. WSR 18-14-078, recodified as § 110-60A-0120, filed 6/29/18, effective 7/1/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 26.50.150. WSR 18-12-034, § 388-60A-0120, filed 5/29/18, effective 6/29/18.]