Chapter 16-168 WAC

Last Update: 1/21/98


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF16-168-010Independent sanitation consultants—What is the purpose of these rules?
HTMLPDF16-168-020Independent sanitation consultants—Where does the department get authority to establish these rules?
HTMLPDF16-168-030Independent sanitation consultants—Where can I find the definitions for terms used in this rule?
HTMLPDF16-168-040How is independent sanitation consultant defined in RCW 69.10.005(5)?
HTMLPDF16-168-050What are the minimum qualifications for an independent sanitation consultant?
HTMLPDF16-168-060How do I apply for approval as an independent sanitation consultant?
HTMLPDF16-168-070How will I know if my application for independent sanitation consultant was approved?
HTMLPDF16-168-075How long will I stay on the list of independent sanitation consultants?
HTMLPDF16-168-080What would cause the department to deny or withdraw approval of my application for approved independent sanitation consultant?
HTMLPDF16-168-090Do I have a right to appeal denial of my application or withdrawal of my approved status as an independent sanitation consultant?
HTMLPDF16-168-100What are the reporting requirements for food storage warehouse inspections made by independent sanitation consultants?