EXCEPTION: | Smoke and heat vents are not required in areas protected by automatic sprinklers. |
3604.7.1 Design and installation. Where smoke and heat vents are required they shall be installed near the roof peak, evenly distributed and arranged so that at least one vent is over each covered berth. The effective vent area shall be calculated using a ratio of one square foot of vent to every fifteen square feet of covered berth area (1:15). Each vent shall provide a minimum opening size of 4 ft. x 4 ft.
3604.7.1.1 Smoke and heat vents. Smoke and heat vents shall operate automatically by actuation of a heat-responsive device rated at 100ºF (56ºC) above ambient.
EXCEPTION: | Gravity-operated drop out vents. |
3604.7.1.2 Gravity-operated drop out vents. Gravity-operated drop out vents shall fully open within 5 minutes after the vent cavity is exposed to a simulated fire represented by a time-temperature gradient that reaches an air temperature of 500ºF (260ºC) within 5 minutes.
3604.8 Draft curtains. Draft curtains shall be provided in covered boat moorage areas exceeding 2,500 sq. ft. (232 m2) in area, excluding roof overhangs.
EXCEPTION: | Draft curtains are not required in areas protected by automatic sprinklers. |
3604.8.1 Draft curtain construction. Draft curtains shall be constructed of sheet metal, gypsum board or other approved materials that provide equivalent performance to resist the passage of smoke. Joints and connections shall be smoke tight.
3604.8.2 Draft curtain location and depth. The maximum area protected by draft curtains shall not exceed 2,000 sq. ft. (186 m2) or two slips or berths, whichever is smaller. Draft curtains shall not extend past the piling line. Draft curtains shall have a minimum depth of 4 feet and shall not extend closer than 8 feet (2438 mm) to the walking surface of the pier.