(1) Commissioners' travel expenses shall be reimbursed, upon submission of proper voucher, pursuant to RCW
(2) The executive secretary's travel, and other expense reimbursement permitted by state law, shall be approved by the chairman, and other staff travel and expense reimbursement request shall be approved by the executive secretary.
(3) Committee members may claim reimbursement for travel expenses only (by personally owned vehicle, common carrier, or air as circumstances dictate) to and from announced meetings of centennial commission committees when the location of the meeting requires travel of at least one hundred miles in one direction from their home.
Committee chairs will be expected to schedule meetings in locations which minimize travel expenses under this policy. Meetings in other locations, when required by the committees' work, must be approved in advance by the executive secretary.
(a) Occasionally committee members and other members of the public are asked to perform tasks, on a volunteer basis, which impose unreasonable expenses on the volunteer.
On request of a committee chair and when approved, in writing in advance by the executive secretary, project volunteers may receive reimbursement for expenses including travel and per diem according to state regulations.
(b) In all cases, expense reimbursement for volunteers will be charged against the relevant committee's allocation. A separate running total will be maintained and shown on a financial report for the commission to allow monitoring of the effect of these policies. The budget and finance committee will recommend a total to be expended for this purpose by all committees combined in each budget period.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
27.60.010 and [27.60.]040. WSR 86-21-084 (Resolution No. 86-2), ยง 100-100-085, filed 10/17/86.]