PDFWAC 108-40-040

Corrective action process.

(1) Upon a finding of one or more deficiencies and imposition of corrective action, the school must comply with the corrective action process and successfully complete an approved corrective action plan.
(2) If there is immediate threat to student or employee health, safety or welfare, the commission may require immediate correction of the deficiency or correction within a time frame indicated by the commission.
(3) All other violations will require a corrective action plan.
(4) In addition to requiring a school to comply with a corrective action plan to correct any deficiencies, the commission may impose sanctions up to and including revocation. Sanctions may include:
(a) Placement on a probationary status; and
(b) Revocation.
(5) The corrective action plan must identify the date by which the deficiency will be corrected.
(6) Implementation of a corrective action plan constitutes reasonable opportunity for the school to remedy the identified deficiencies.
(7) Within ten days from receipt of a deficiency finding, a school must provide the commission with a corrective action plan.
(8) If accepted, the commission will approve the corrective action plan. Once approved, the school may seek one extension of the deadline for compliance for good cause shown. The commission is not required to approve the extension.
(9) If the extension is granted and the school does not satisfy the corrective action plan, the failure will be considered grounds for revocation of the contract.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 27A.710.070 [28A.710.070], 27A.710.180 [28A.710.180], 27A.710.190 [28A.710.190], 27A.710.200 [28A.710.200]. WSR 14-12-065, ยง 108-40-040, filed 6/2/14, effective 7/3/14.]