PDFWAC 108-40-170

Termination protocol responsibilities of the charter school lead administrator and the charter school commission staff.

(1) Within five business days of a decision to nonrenew, revoke, or terminate a charter school contract commission staff and lead administrator from charter school will review the school's budget. The purpose of the review is to:
(a) Ensure that funds are sufficient to operate the school through the end of the school year, if applicable;
(b) Emphasize the legal requirement to limit expenditures to only those in the approved budget, while delaying approved expenditures that might no longer be necessary until a revised budget is approved;
(c) Make revisions that take into account closure and associated expenses while prioritizing continuity of instruction; and
(d) Identify acceptable use of reserve funds.
(2) Within ten business days of a decision to nonrenew, revoke, or terminate a charter school contract, commission staff and lead administrator will hold a parent closure meeting. The purpose of the parent closure meeting is to:
(a) Provide overview of the commission's closure policy and closure decision;
(b) Provide calendar of important dates for parents;
(c) Provide specific remaining school vacation days and date for the end of classes;
(d) Present timeline for transitioning students;
(e) Present timeline for closing down of school operations; and
(f) Provide contact information.
(3) Within ten days of a decision to nonrenew, revoke, or terminate a charter school contract, commission staff and lead administrator will meet with charter school faculty and staff. The purpose of this meeting is to:
(a) Discuss reasons for closure;
(b) Emphasize importance of maintaining continuity of instruction through the end of the school year;
(c) Discuss plans for helping students find new schools;
(d) Identify date when last salary check will be issued, when benefits terminate, and last day of work; and
(e) Describe assistance, if any, which will be provided to faculty and staff to find new positions.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 27A.710.070 [28A.710.070], 27A.710.180 [28A.710.180], 27A.710.190 [28A.710.190], 27A.710.200 [28A.710.200]. WSR 14-12-065, ยง 108-40-170, filed 6/2/14, effective 7/3/14.]