PDFWAC 132Q-10-306

Initial review of complaints.

(1) General conduct complaints. The student conduct officer or his/her designee will conduct an initial assessment of a complaint to determine whether it alleges conduct that may be prohibited by the standards of conduct for students. If the initial assessment indicates that the matter involves sexual misconduct, the student conduct officer will forward the complaint to a chief student services officer/Title IX coordinator for review or if the student conduct officer believes he/she has a conflict of interest or is the subject of the complaint, the student conduct officer will forward the complaint to the chief student services officer who will conduct the initial assessment or designate another person to serve as the student conduct officer relative to that complaint. The student conduct officer reviews general conduct complaints and determines whether the complaint, if as alleged were true would constitute a violation of any of the standards of conduct for students. If the student conduct officer determines the alleged conduct would constitute a violation, it is deemed to have merit warranting further review. If the complaint does not have merit the student conduct officer will dismiss the complaint. If the complaint is deemed to have merit, the student conduct officer then would conduct a further assessment pursuant to WAC 132Q-10-320 to determine if an interim suspension is warranted.
(2) Sexually violent conduct, discrimination and sexual harassment complaints. The chief student services officer/Title IX coordinator will conduct an initial assessment of the complaint to determine whether it alleges conduct that may be prohibited in WAC 132Q-10-242 through 132Q-10-244 of the standards of conduct for students, CCS policies, and/or CCS procedures. If the chief student services officer/Title IX coordinator has a conflict of interest or is the subject of the complaint, the college president, shall upon request and when feasible designate another person to serve as the chief student services officer/Title IX coordinator relative to that complaint. If the alleged conduct would constitute a violation, it is deemed to have merit warranting further review. If the complaint does not have merit the chief student services officer/Title IX coordinator will dismiss the complaint. If the complaint is deemed to have merit, the chief student services officer/Title IX coordinator will conduct a further assessment pursuant to WAC 132Q-10-320 to determine if an interim suspension or other interim measures are warranted. Interim measures may include, but are not limited to, notice to complainant of his or her options to avoid contact with the accused student, to receive options for and available assistance in changing academic and extracurricular activities, and/or modification of complainant's transportation, working, and dining situation, as appropriate.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 15-15-161, ยง 132Q-10-306, filed 7/21/15, effective 8/21/15.]