PDFWAC 132T-05-070

Safety and occupational health practices standards.

The vocational instructor will have been trained as a safe worker and will hold a valid first-aid certificate which has been issued in compliance with standards for such certificates promulgated by Washington state department of labor and industries, or other appropriate regulatory agency.
(1) Definitions:
(a) "Vocational instructor," for the purposes of these standards, shall mean any individual who is vocationally certified under the state plan for vocational education and/or who is employed as an instructor in a vocational program approved under the state plan.
(b) "Vocational program," for the purposes of these regulations, shall meet the definition agreed upon in operating criteria of the commission for vocational education.
(2) Safety and occupational health standards. The preparation for vocational teaching for all persons shall include instruction in those safety and occupational health practices common to all occupations sufficient to insure those persons knowledge of an ability to instruct students in those practices at a level consistent with the safety and occupational health practices standards of this section.
(a) No person who receives training for vocational teaching after September 1, 1973, shall be employed by a local educational agency in a program approved under the state plan for more than ninety calendar days unless that person has met the safety and occupational health practices standards adopted by the commission for vocational education.
(i) The general safety and occupational health standards apply to all vocational personnel who teach or supervise a vocational class or program.
(ii) This standard can be satisfied by completing a fifteen-hour course in safety and occupational health taught by an accredited instructor or by passing an approved examination which covers the material contained in the fifteen-hour course.
(iii) Approved courses in safety and occupational health will include, but not be limited to, history, causes of accidents, classes and types of accidents, motivating safety, accident prevention, occupational health and industrial insurance.
(b) The safety and occupational health information needed for specific occupations may be satisfied by one of the following:
(i) Completion of a course as part of preservice training that is designed to provide the potential vocational instructor with the specific skills and knowledge of safety and occupational health pertinent to the occupation the individual is training to teach.
(ii) Completion of an in-service course that is designed to provide the vocational instructor with the specific skills and knowledge of safety and occupational health pertinent to the occupation the individual is training to teach.
(iii) Certification by the program advisory committee for the occupation that the vocational instructor does possess the specific skills and knowledge of safety and occupational health pertinent to the occupation the instructor is training to teach, together with visible evidence that this is an integral part of the instructional program.
(iv) Where the advisory committee determines that the vocational instructor has less than the necessary skills and knowledge, an advisory committee meeting or meetings devoted to such training as is needed will satisfy the requirement. Verification of training will be the advisory committee minutes which will include the name of the vocational instructor, the name(s) of the trainer(s), evidence of the qualifications of the trainer(s), and the content of the training.
(v) The meeting of personnel standards to teach in a vocational program will be accepted as evidence of the individual's ability to teach the appropriate specific safety and occupational health necessary for the occupational area being taught.
(3) First aid. The standards for safety and occupational health practices adopted by Walla Walla Community College shall, where applicable, include the requirement that certain individuals, in addition to other criteria, hold valid first-aid certificates issued by or equivalent to the standards of those issued by the Washington department of labor and industries.
(a) A valid first-aid certificate is required for vocational instructors in preparatory vocational programs whose instructional environment brings students into physical proximity with machinery, electrical circuits, biologicals, radioactive substances, chemicals, flammables, intense heat, gases under pressure, excavations, scaffolding and ladders, and other hazards.
(b) The determination of hazard shall be made by the safety supervisor and vocational director.
(c) Responsibility for insuring that appropriate staff have first-aid training will rest with the vocational director.
(d) The specific type of first-aid program required of vocational instructors will be determined by the representative advisory committee organized for the occupation for which the vocational instructor is providing training; however, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation instruction is required of all vocational instructors.
(4) Specifically excluded from conformance to this requirement are:
(a) Vocational counselors.
(b) Those instructors who teach related subjects to vocational students, i.e., mathematics, English or communication skills, etc., when these are taught in classrooms rather than shops and are part of a total vocational program that is under the supervision or direction of vocational instructor(s) possessing valid first-aid certificate(s).
(c) Physicians, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and others when their occupational competencies and training include first-aid knowledge equal to or superior to that represented by the first-aid certification being required under these regulations.
(d) Vocational instructors who teach ninety hours or less per school year and whose instruction is a part of a total vocational program that is under the supervision or direction of a vocational instructor(s) possessing valid first-aid certificate(s).
(5) Safety supervision. A safety supervisor shall be designated by the vocational director. The safety supervisor shall, among other things, possess an understanding of all safety and occupational health rules, regulations and requirements affecting the college or its employees; further, said supervisor shall assure that each employee demonstrates competency in all safety and occupational health rules, regulations that pertain to the employee, and assure that all safety and occupational health rules and regulations that pertain to the employee are being met. The safety supervisor shall meet all of the provisions for safety and occupational health that are mandated for vocational instructors.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 34.04, 34.08 and 28B.19 RCW. WSR 82-07-011 (Resolution No. 82-5), ยง 132T-05-070, filed 3/8/82.]