AIB hearings will only be conducted when the institution is pursuing sanctions that include either suspension or expulsion. The AIB hearing provides the instructor and the student with the opportunity to present evidence and witnesses.
(1) Scheduling and notification:
(a) Initiation: The AIB hearing process will be initiated when the AVP or the AIB determines that the alleged violation may involve a possible sanction of suspension or expulsion.
(b) Scheduling: Within five instruction days of determining that an AIB hearing is in order, the AVP shall schedule the hearing. The student must receive at least seventy-two hours' notice as to the time and place of the hearing. The AVP may coordinate with the parties to facilitate scheduling, but is not required to do so.
(c) Notification: The AVP will notify the student, instructor, and AIB hearing panel members. Notification will include:
(i) All information provided by the instructor when the violation was reported and all documents related to the alleged violation. However, any such information and documents that were previously provided to the student are not required to be included in the notification sent to the student. Also, information and documents should be redacted to the extent their release would compromise test or examination contents or if the documents include other students' education records;
(ii) A description of the university's academic integrity rules and processes, including any possible sanctions;
(iii) The date, time, and place of the AIB hearing;
(iv) Instructions on how to submit documents, statements, and other materials for consideration by the AIB hearing panel;
(v) A description of the specific rules governing the AIB hearing process;
(vi) A description of the student's options; and
(vii) Contact information for the AVP's office where the student and/or instructor can request further information and assistance. Notifications will strongly encourage the student to contact the AVP to ensure that the student understands the process, the violation, and the potential sanctions.
(2) General provisions:
(a) All academic integrity board hearings are brief adjudicative proceedings in accordance with WAC
172-108-010 and shall be conducted in an informal manner.
(b) Nonjudicial proceedings: Formal rules of procedure, evidence, and/or technical rules, such as are applied in criminal or civil courts, do not apply to AIB hearings.
(c) Hearing authority: When scheduling an AIB hearing, a member of the AIB will be designated as hearing authority. The hearing authority exercises control over hearing proceedings. All procedural questions are subject to the final decision of the hearing authority.
(d) Hearing panel composition: In addition to the hearing authority, an AIB hearing panel shall consist of three voting members of the AIB.
(e) Closed hearings: All AIB hearings will be closed. Admission of any person, other than the instructor and the student involved, to an AIB hearing shall be at the discretion of the hearing authority.
(f) Consolidation of hearings: In the event that one or more students are charged with an academic integrity violation arising from the same occurrence, the university may conduct separate hearings for each student or consolidate the hearings as practical, as long as consolidation does not impinge on the rights of any student.
(3) Appearance:
(a) Failure to appear: The student is expected to attend the AIB hearing. In cases where proper notice has been given but the student fails to attend an AIB hearing, the hearing panel shall decide the case based on the information available.
(b) Disruption of proceedings: Any person, including the student, who disrupts a hearing, may be excluded from the proceedings.
(c) Alternative methods of appearance. In the interest of fairness and expedience, the hearing authority may permit any person to appear by telephone, written statement, or other means, as appropriate.
(d) The instructor may attend the hearing but is not required to do so. The instructor's report of the violation and all associated evidence shall constitute the appearance of the instructor.
(4) Advisors: The instructor and the student may be assisted by one advisor of their choice, subject to the following provisions:
(a) Any fees or expenses associated with the services of an advisor are the responsibility of the instructor or the student that employed the advisor;
(b) The advisor may be an attorney;
(c) The instructor and the student are responsible for presenting their own case and, therefore, advisors may not speak or participate directly in any AIB hearing proceeding. The instructor and/or the student may, however, speak quietly with their advisor during such proceedings; and
(d) If an attorney is used as an advisor, the person using the attorney shall inform the AIB hearing authority of their intent to do so at least two business days prior to the hearing.
(5) Review of evidence: The student and the instructor may request to view material related to the case prior to a scheduled hearing by contacting the AVP. To facilitate this process, the party should contact the AVP as early as possible prior to the scheduled hearing. The AVP shall make a reasonable effort to support the request to the extent allowable by state and federal law.
(6) Evidence:
(a) Evidence: Pertinent records, exhibits and written statements may be accepted as information for consideration by the hearing panel. However, AIB hearings are not bound by the rules of evidence observed by courts. The hearing authority may exclude incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious material.
(b) The student and the instructor have the right to view all material presented during the course of the hearing.
(7) Standard of proof: The hearing panel shall determine whether the student violated student academic integrity standards, as charged, based on a preponderance of the evidence.
A preponderance means, based on the evidence admitted, whether it is more probable than not that the student violated academic integrity standards.
(8) Witnesses:
(a) The instructor, student, and hearing authority may present witnesses at AIB hearings.
(b) The party who wishes to call a witness is responsible for ensuring that the witness is available and present at the time of the hearing.
(c) The hearing authority may exclude witnesses from the hearing room when they are not testifying. The hearing authority is not required to take the testimony of all witnesses called by the parties if such testimony may be inappropriate, irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious.
(d) All parties have the right to hear all testimony provided by witnesses during the hearing.
(9) Questioning:
(a) The instructor and the student may submit questions to be asked of each other or of any witnesses. Questions shall be submitted, in writing, to the hearing authority. The hearing authority may ask such questions, but is not required to do so. The hearing authority may reject any question which it considers inappropriate, irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious. The hearing authority has complete discretion in determining what questions will be asked during the hearing.
(b) During an AIB hearing, only the hearing authority may pose questions to persons appearing before them.
(c) The hearing authority may ask their own questions of any witness called before them.
(10) Deliberations and sanctions:
(a) Within seven days after the hearing, the AIB hearing panel shall meet in closed session, without either of the parties present, and determine by majority vote whether, by a preponderance of the evidence, the accused violated academic integrity standards. If the hearing panel determines that the accused violated academic integrity standards, the panel shall then determine, by majority vote, what sanctions shall be imposed. This session may take place immediately following the hearing or at another time within the seven days following the hearing.
(b) In determining what sanctions shall be imposed, the hearing panel may consider the evidence presented at the hearing as well as any information contained in the student's records.
(11) Notification: If the panel determines that suspension or expulsion is appropriate, they will forward that recommendation to the director of student rights and responsibilities to conduct a hearing under the student conduct code. If the panel is not recommending suspension or expulsion, they shall notify the AVP of the sanctions to be imposed.
(12) AVP:
(a) If the AIB panel recommends suspension or expulsion, the AVP will appoint a member of the AIB hearing panel to serve as the complainant for purposes of the student conduct proceeding and will forward the records used during the academic integrity proceeding to the director of student rights and responsibilities. If the AIB panel does not recommend suspension or expulsion, the AVP shall impose the sanctions determined by the AIB panel.
(b) The AVP shall notify the student and the instructor of the hearing panel's decision, the sanctions to be imposed, and of the right to appeal.
Appeals of AIB hearing determinations: Either the student or the instructor may request reconsideration by the provost by submitting a request in writing to the provost within twenty-one days after the hearing panel issues its decision. The provost shall allow the student and the instructor an opportunity to respond in writing to the request for review. The student and instructor's responses, if any, must be submitted within five instructional days of the request for review. After reviewing the responses and materials considered by the hearing panel, the provost shall issue a decision in writing within twenty days of receipt of the request for review. The decision must include a brief statement of the reasons for the provost's decision and notice that judicial review may be available under chapter
34.05 RCW. All decisions of the provost are final and no appeals are permitted.
If the AIB recommended a suspension or expulsion and the case was forwarded for a full hearing under the student conduct code, the imposition of a sanction of suspension or expulsion may be appealed in accordance with the appeals process set forth in WAC
172-121-130. If the AIB imposed a sanction in addition to recommending a suspension or expulsion, such as removal from an academic program, such sanction may be appealed to the provost in accordance with this section. The timeline for filing an appeal with the provost commences at the time of service of the conduct review officer's decision under the student conduct code.