PDFWAC 173-322A-200

Funding cycle.

(1) Project solicitation. Biennially, the department will solicit project proposals from local governments to develop its budget and update its ten-year financing plan for remedial action grants and loans. The department may update its ten-year financing plan as needed during the biennium. Project proposals for each type of grant or loan must be submitted on forms provided by the department and include sufficient information to make the determinations in subsection (3) of this section. For multibiennial oversight remedial action grant projects, proposals must be updated biennially. To be considered for inclusion in the department's budget for remedial action grants and loans, project proposals and updates should be submitted by the dates published by the department.
(2) Application submittal. Applications for each type of grant or loan must be submitted on forms provided by the department and include sufficient information to make the determinations in subsections (3) and (4) of this section. For multibiennial oversight remedial action grant projects, an application must be submitted before each biennium for which additional funds are requested. Completed applications should be submitted by the dates published by the department.
(3) Project evaluation and ranking. Project proposals and applications for each type of grant or loan will be reviewed by the department for completeness and evaluated to determine:
(a) Project eligibility; and
(b) Funding priority under WAC 173-322A-210.
(4) Agreement development. The department will make funding decisions only after funds have been appropriated. After deciding to fund an eligible project, the department will negotiate with the applicant the scope of work and budget for the grant and develop the agreement. The department will consider:
(a) Funding priority under WAC 173-322A-210;
(b) Cost eligibility;
(c) Allowable funding of eligible costs; and
(d) Availability of state funds and other funding sources.
(5) Fund management. The department may adjust funding levels or fund additional eligible projects during a biennium if additional funds should become available.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105D RCW. WSR 14-18-060 (Order 13-09), ยง 173-322A-200, filed 8/29/14, effective 9/29/14.]