Novice practitioners. Providers prepare candidates who are role ready.
(1) Providers prepare candidates who are ready to engage effectively in their role and context upon completion of educator preparation programs.
(a) The provider demonstrates that program completers perceive their preparation as relevant to the responsibilities they confront on the job, and that the preparation was effective.
(b) Providers demonstrate that completers effectively apply the professional knowledge, skills, dispositions, and technical proficiency that the preparation experiences were designed to achieve.
(c) Faculty and supervisors contextualize educators' practice within contemporary socio-political context and within the administrative regulations in schools and districts.
(d) Inform and orient candidates to Washington state processes of certification, licensure, endorsements and ongoing professional learning opportunities and requirements as they apply to the role for which the candidate is being certified.
(2) Providers prepare candidates to develop reflective, collaborative, and professional growth-centered practices through regular evaluation of the effects of their practice through feedback and reflection.
(a) Prepare educators to understand and demonstrate achievement and improvement in their practice.
(b) Providers prepare candidates to seek new learning to remain current in subject area(s), educational theories, practices, research, and ethical practice.
(c) Ensure that all teacher education candidates who complete the program exit the program with a professional growth plan according to the guidance provided by the professional educator standards board.
(3) Providers prepare candidates for their role in directing, supervising, and evaluating paraeducators.
(a) Prepare teacher candidates to direct paraeducators working with students in the classroom.
(b) Prepare administrator candidates to supervise and evaluate paraeducators in schools.
(4) Providers require candidates to demonstrate knowledge of teacher evaluation research and Washington's evaluation requirements.
(a) Providers ensure educator candidates examine Washington's evaluation requirements, criteria, four-tiered performance rating system, student growth goals, and the preferred instructional frameworks used to describe the evaluation criteria.
(b) Providers ensure educator candidates demonstrate knowledge and skill in self-assessment, goal setting, and reflective practice.
(c) Providers of principal and superintendent programs ensure candidates examine and practice classroom observation skills that recognize and limit bias and promote rater agreement on the four-tiered system.
(d) Providers of principal and superintendent programs ensure candidates demonstrate knowledge and skill using student growth data and multiple measures of performance for use in evaluations.
(e) Providers of principal and superintendent programs ensure candidates demonstrate knowledge and skill conducting evaluation conferences and developing teacher and principal support plans resulting from evaluations.
(f) Providers of principal and superintendent programs ensure candidates demonstrate knowledge and skill in the use of an online tool to manage the collection of observation notes, teacher and principal submitted materials, and other information related to the conduct of the evaluation.