PDFWAC 182-16-2060

How can an entity or organization appeal a decision of the health care authority to deny an employer group application?

(1) An entity or organization whose employer group application is denied by the authority may appeal the decision by submitting a request for a brief adjudicative proceeding to the public employees benefits board (PEBB) appeals unit. For rules regarding eligible entities, see WAC 182-12-111.
(2) The PEBB appeals unit must receive the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding no later than thirty days after the date of the denial notice. The contents of the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding are to be provided as described in WAC 182-16-2070.
(3) The PEBB appeals unit must notify the appellant in writing when the request for a brief adjudicative proceeding has been received.
(4) The brief adjudicative proceeding will be conducted by a presiding officer designated by the director.
(5) Failing to timely request a brief adjudicative proceeding to appeal a decision made under this section within thirty days by following the process described in subsection (2) of this section, will result in the prior PEBB program decision becoming the authority's final decision.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.05.021, 41.05.160, and PEBB policy resolutions. WSR 19-17-073 (Admin #2019-01), § 182-16-2060, filed 8/20/19, effective 1/1/20. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.05.021 and 41.05.160. WSR 18-22-033 (Admin #2018-03), § 182-16-2060, filed 10/29/18, effective 1/1/19.]