The following are categories of creditable continuing medical education activities approved by the board. The credits must be earned in the thirty-six month period preceding application for renewal of licensure. One clock hour shall equal one credit hour for the purpose of satisfying the one hundred fifty hour continuing professional education requirement.
(1) Category 1 - A minimum of sixty credit hours of the total one hundred fifty hour requirements are mandatory under this general category.
(a) Category 1-A - Formal educational programs sponsored by nationally recognized osteopathic or medical institutions, organizations and their affiliates.
Examples of recognized sponsors include but are not limited to:
Accredited osteopathic or medical schools and hospitals.
Osteopathic or medical societies and specialty practice organizations.
Continuing medical education institutes.
Governmental health agencies and institutions.
Residencies, fellowships and preceptorships.
(b) Category 1-B - Preparation in publishable form of an original scientific paper (defined as one which reflects a search of the literature, appends a bibliography, and contains original data gathered by the author) and initial presentation before a postdoctoral audience qualified to critique the author's statements. Maximum allowable credit for the initial presentation will be ten credit hours per scientific paper. A copy of the paper in publishable form shall be submitted to the board. Publication of the above paper or another paper in a professional journal approved by the board may receive credits as approved by the board up to a maximum of fifteen credit hours per scientific paper.
(c) Category 1-C - Serving as a teacher, lecturer, preceptor or moderator-participant in any formal educational program. Such teaching would include classes in colleges of osteopathic medicine and medical colleges and lecturing to hospital interns, residents and staff. Total credits allowed under Category 1-C are forty-five per three-year period, with one hour's credit for each hour of actual instruction.
(A) Category 2-A - Home study - The board strongly believes that participation in formal professional education programs is essential in fulfilling a physician's total education needs. The board is also concerned that the content and educational quality of many unsolicited home study materials are not subject to impartial professional review and evaluation. It is the individual physician's responsibility to select home study materials that will be of actual benefit. For these reasons, the board has limited the number of credits which may be granted for home study, and has adopted strict guidelines in granting these credits.
Reading - Credits may be granted for reading the Journal of the AOA, and other selected journals published by recognized osteopathic organizations. One-half credit per issue is granted for reading alone. An additional one-half credit per issue is granted if the quiz found in the AOA Journal is completed and returned to the division of continuing medical education. Credit for all other reading is limited to recognized scientific journals listed in Index Medicus. One-half credit per issue is granted for reading these recognized journals.
Listening - Credits may be granted for listening to programs distributed by the AOA audio-educational service. Other audio-tape programs sponsored by nationally recognized organizations and companies are eligible for credit. One-half credit per tape program may be granted. An additional one-half credit may be granted for each AOA audio-educational service program if the quiz card for the tape found in the AOA Journal is completed and returned.
Other home study courses - Subject-oriented and refresher home study courses and programs sponsored by recognized professional organizations are eligible for credit. The number of credit hours indicated by the sponsor will be accepted by the board.
A maximum of ninety credit hours per three-year period may be granted for all home study activities under Category 2-A.
(B) Category 2-B - Preparation and personal presentation of a scientific exhibit at a county, regional, state or national professional meeting. Total credits allowed under Category 2-B are thirty per three-year period, with ten credits granted for each new and different scientific exhibit. Appropriate documentation must be submitted with the request for credit.
(C) Category 2-C - All other programs and modalities of continuing professional education. Included under this category are informal educational activities such as observation at medical centers; programs dealing with experimental and investigative areas of medical practice, and programs conducted by nonrecognized sponsors.
Total credits allowed under Category 2-C are thirty hours per three-year period.