(1) If an enrollee receives any emergency services from an out-of-network facility or provider, or any nonemergency surgical or ancillary services at an in-network facility from an out-of-network provider:
(a) The enrollee satisfies his or her obligation to pay for the health care services if he or she pays the in-network cost-sharing amount specified in the enrollee's or applicable group's health plan contract. The enrollee's obligation must be determined using the carrier's median in-network contracted rate for the same or similar service in the same or similar geographical area. The carrier must provide an explanation of benefits to the enrollee and the out-of-network provider that reflects the cost-sharing amount determined under this subsection.
(b) The carrier, out-of-network provider, or out-of-network facility, and any agent, trustee, or assignee of the carrier, out-of-network provider, or out-of-network facility must ensure that the enrollee incurs no greater cost than the amount determined under (a) of this subsection.
(c)(i) For emergency services provided to an enrollee, the out-of-network provider or out-of-network facility, and any agent, trustee, or assignee of the out-of-network provider or out-of-network facility may not balance bill or otherwise attempt to collect from the enrollee any amount greater than the amount determined under (a) of this subsection. This does not impact the provider's ability to collect a past due balance for an applicable in-network cost-sharing amount with interest;
(ii) For emergency services provided to an enrollee in an out-of-network hospital located and licensed in Oregon or Idaho, the carrier must hold an enrollee harmless from balance billing; and
(iii) For nonemergency surgical or ancillary services provided at an in-network facility, the out-of-network provider and any agent, trustee, or assignee of the out-of-network provider may not balance bill or otherwise attempt to collect from the enrollee any amount greater than the amount determined under (a) of this subsection. This does not impact the provider's ability to collect a past due balance for an applicable in-network cost-sharing amount with interest.
(d) For emergency services and nonemergency surgical or ancillary services provided at an in-network facility, the carrier must treat any cost-sharing amounts determined under (a) of this subsection paid or incurred by the enrollee for an out-of-network provider or facility's services in the same manner as cost-sharing for health care services provided by an in-network provider or facility and must apply any cost-sharing amounts paid or incurred by the enrollee for such services toward the enrollee's maximum out-of-pocket payment obligation.
(e) If the enrollee pays an out-of-network provider or out-of-network facility an amount that exceeds the in-network cost-sharing amount determined under (a) of this subsection, the provider or facility must refund any amount in excess of the in-network cost- sharing amount to the enrollee within thirty business days of the provider or facility's receipt of the enrollee's payment. Simple interest must be paid to the enrollee for any unrefunded payments at a rate of twelve percent per annum beginning on the first calendar day after the thirty business days.
(2) The carrier must make payments for health care services described in section 6, chapter 427, Laws of 2019, provided by an out-of-network provider or facility directly to the provider or facility, rather than the enrollee.
(3) A health care provider or facility, or any of its agents, trustees or assignees may not require a patient at any time, for any procedure, service, or supply, to sign or execute by electronic means, any document that would attempt to avoid, waive, or alter any provision of this section.