PDFWAC 388-829R-015

What conditions must be met to be eligible to receive overnight planned respite services?

(1) Recipients of overnight planned respite services must meet the following conditions at a minimum:
(a) Have been determined eligible for DDA services per chapter 388-823 WAC;
(b) Be at least eighteen years of age; and
(c) Live at home with primary care providers who are paid or unpaid family members or nonfamily members who are not paid to provide care for you.
(2) The adult respite services committee will consider the following factors when reviewing requests for services:
(a) Whether the recipient's needs can be safely met in the respite setting;
(b) Whether there are available vacancies within ninety days of requested dates; and
(c) Whether the stay will reduce utilization of residential habilitation centers for respite.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030, 71A.12.120, and 2015 3rd sp.s. c 4. WSR 16-17-003, ยง 388-829R-015, filed 8/4/16, effective 9/4/16.]