Overnight planned respite services providers must at a minimum:
(1) Have a high school diploma or GED equivalent, unless hired before September 1, 1991;
(2) Be at least eighteen years of age when employed as a direct care staff, or at least twenty-one years of age when employed as an administrator;
(3) Have a clear understanding of job responsibilities and knowledge of individual support plans and client needs;
(4) Have a current background check as required by WAC
388-829R-030; and
(5) Be able to:
(a) Read, understand, and provide services outlined in the individual support plan (ISP) and individual respite services agreement;
(b) Reasonably accommodate the client's individual preferences;
(c) Know the community resources, such as medical facilities, emergency resources, and recreational opportunities;
(d) Enable the client to keep in touch with family and friends in a way preferred by the client;
(e) Protect the client's financial interests;
(f) Fulfill reporting requirements as required in this chapter and the overnight planned respite services contract;
(g) Know how and when to contact the client's representative and case manager; and
(h) Successfully complete the training required in this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
71A.12.120, and 2015 3rd sp.s. c 4. WSR 16-17-003, ยง 388-829R-060, filed 8/4/16, effective 9/4/16.]