PDFWAC 480-109-210

Renewable portfolio standard reporting.

(1) Annual report. On or before every June 1st, each utility must file an annual renewable portfolio standard report with the commission and the department detailing the resources the utility has acquired or contracted to acquire to meet its renewable resource obligation for the target year.
(2) Annual report contents. The annual renewable portfolio standard report must include the utility's annual load for the prior two years, the total number of megawatt-hours from eligible renewable resources and/or renewable resource credits the utility needed to meet its annual renewable energy target by January 1st of the target year, the amount (in megawatt-hours) of each type of eligible renewable resource used, and the amount of renewable energy credits acquired. Additionally, the annual renewable portfolio standard report must include the following:
(a) Incremental cost calculation. To calculate its incremental cost, a utility must:
(i) Make a one-time calculation of incremental cost for each eligible resource at the time of acquisition or, for historic acquisitions, the best information available at the time of the acquisition:
(A) Eligible resource levelized cost. Determine the levelized cost of each eligible resource, including integration costs as determined by the utility's most recently completed renewable resource integration study, using the utility's commission-approved weighted average cost of capital at the time of the resource's acquisition as the discount rate;
(B) Eligible resource capacity value. Identify the capacity value of each eligible renewable resource as calculated in the utility's most recent integrated resource plan acknowledged by the commission;
(C) Noneligible resource selection. Select and document the lowest-reasonable-cost, noneligible resource available to the utility at the time of the eligible resource's acquisition for each corresponding eligible resource;
(D) Noneligible levelized energy cost. For each noneligible resource selected in (a)(i)(C) of this subsection, determine the cost of acquiring the same amount of energy as expected to be produced by the eligible resource, levelized over a time period equal to the facility life or contract length of the eligible resource and at the same discount rate used in (a)(i)(A) of this subsection;
(E) Noneligible levelized capacity cost. Calculate the levelized capital cost of obtaining an equivalent amount of capacity provided by the eligible resource, as determined in (a)(i)(B) of this subsection, from a noneligible resource. This cost must be levelized over a period equal to the facility life or contract length of the eligible resource and at the same discount rate used in (a)(i)(A) of this subsection. To make this calculation, a utility must use the lowest-cost, noneligible capacity resource identified in its most recent integrated resource plan acknowledged by the commission. However, if a utility determines that cost information in the integrated resource plan is no longer accurate, it may use cost information from another source, with documentation of the source and an explanation of why the source was used.
(F) Calculation. Determine the incremental cost of each eligible resource by subtracting the sum of the levelized costs of the noneligible resources calculated in (a)(i)(D) and (E) of this subsection from the levelized cost of the eligible resource determined in (a)(i)(A) of this subsection. The result of this calculation may be a negative number.
(G) Legacy resources. Any eligible resource that the utility acquired prior to March 31, 1999, is deemed to have an incremental cost of zero.
(ii) Annual calculation of revenue requirement ratio. To calculate its revenue requirement ratio, a utility must annually:
(A) Sum the incremental costs of all eligible resources used for target year compliance;
(B) Add the cost of any unbundled renewable energy credits purchased for target year compliance;
(C) Subtract the revenue from the sales of any renewable energy credits and energy from eligible facilities; and
(D) Divide the total obtained in (a)(ii)(A) through (C) of this subsection by the utility's annual revenue requirement, which means the revenue requirement that the commission established in the utility's most recent rate case, and multiply by one hundred.
(iii) Annual reporting. In addition to the revenue requirement ratio calculated in (a)(ii) of this subsection, the utility must:
(A) Report its total incremental cost as a dollar amount and in dollars per megawatt-hour of renewable energy generated by all eligible renewable resources in the calculation in (a)(i) of this subsection; and
(B) Multiply the dollars per megawatt-hour cost calculated in (a)(iii)(A) of this subsection by the number of megawatt-hours needed for target year compliance.
(b) Alternative compliance. State whether the utility is relying upon one of the alternative compliance mechanisms provided in WAC 480-109-220 instead of fully meeting its renewable resource target. A utility using an alternative compliance mechanism must use the incremental cost methodology described in this section and include sufficient data, documentation and other information in its report to demonstrate that it qualifies to use that alternative mechanism.
(c) Compliance plan. Describe the resources that the utility intends to use to meet the renewable resource requirements for the target year.
(d) Eligible resources. A list of each eligible renewable resource that serves Washington customers, for which a utility owns the certificates, with an installed capacity greater than twenty-five kilowatts. Resources with an installed capacity of less than twenty-five kilowatts may be reported in terms of aggregate capacity. The list must include:
(i) Each resource's WREGIS registration status and use of certificates, whether it be for annual target compliance, a voluntary renewable energy program as provided for in RCW 19.29A.090, or owned by the customer; and
(ii) Eligible resources being included in the report for the first time and documentation of their eligibility.
(e) Multistate allocations.
(i) If a utility serves retail customers in more than one state, the utility must allocate certificates consistent with the utility's most recent commission-approved interstate cost allocation methodology. The report must show how the utility applied the allocation methodology to arrive at the number of certificates allocated to Washington ratepayers.
(ii) After documenting the number of certificates allocated to Washington ratepayers, a utility may transfer certificates to or from Washington ratepayers. The report must document the compensation provided to each jurisdiction's ratepayers for such transfers.
(f) Sales. If a utility sold certificates, report the number of certificates that it sold, their WREGIS certificate numbers, their source, and the revenues obtained from the sales. For multistate utilities, these requirements only apply to certificates that were allocated to the utility's Washington service territory according to (e) of this subsection.
(3) Report review.
(a) Interested persons may file written comments regarding a utility's annual renewable portfolio standard report within thirty days of the utility's filing.
(b) Upon conclusion of the commission review of the utility's annual renewable portfolio standard report, the commission will issue a decision accepting or rejecting the calculation of the utility's renewable resource target; determining whether the utility has generated, acquired or arranged to acquire enough renewable energy credits or qualifying generation to comply with its renewable resource target; and determining the eligibility of new renewable resources pursuant to subsection (2)(d) of this section.
(c) If a utility revises its annual renewable portfolio standard report as a result of the commission review, the utility must submit the revised final annual renewable portfolio standard report to the department.
(4) Publication of reports. All renewable portfolio standard reports required by chapter 19.285 RCW and this section since January 1, 2012, must be posted and maintained on the utility's web site. Reports must be posted on the utility's web site within thirty days of the commission order approving the report. A copy of any such report must be provided to any person upon request.
(5) Customer notification. Each utility must provide a summary of its annual renewable portfolio standard report to its customers by bill insert or other suitable method. This summary must be provided within ninety days of final action by the commission on the report.
(6) Final compliance report. Within two years following submission of its annual renewable portfolio standard report, a utility must submit, in the same docket, a final renewable portfolio standard compliance report that lists the certificates that it retired in WREGIS for the target year. If a utility does not meet its annual target described in WAC 480-109-200, the commission will determine the amount in megawatt-hours by which the utility was deficient.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040, 80.04.160, and 19.285.080. WSR 15-07-043 (Docket UE-131723, General Order R-578), ยง 480-109-210, filed 3/12/15, effective 4/12/15.]