PDFWAC 16-131-030

General requirements.

(1) For initial authorization to produce MIEs, a person must obtain an MIE endorsement as provided under RCW 69.07.200 and WAC 16-131-040.
(2) An MIE processor must comply with all laws to which other food processors are subject including, but not limited to, chapter 69.07 RCW, Washington Food Processing Act, chapter 16-165 WAC, Food inspection, and chapter 16-167 WAC, Intrastate commerce in foods.
(3) An MIE processor in good standing may renew an endorsement through the department of revenue as provided in RCW 69.07.200.
(4) A person must hold an MIE endorsement and obtain the department's approval of each MIE as provided in WAC 16-131-050 before offering the MIE for sale.
(5) All communication in connection with MIEs from an applicant or endorsement holder to the department must reference the applicant or endorsement holder's WSLCB license number and the name under which the WSLCB license is held.
(6) An MIE endorsement is valid for only one location.
(7) MIE processing facilities must comply with all applicable state, county, and municipal laws and ordinances that apply to conducting business in the MIE processing facility location.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 69.07.020, 69.07.200, and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 18-05-010, ยง 16-131-030, filed 2/8/18, effective 4/1/18.]