PDFWAC 16-131-040

Initial application requirements.

(1) Persons seeking to produce MIEs must apply to the department of revenue as required under RCW 69.07.200. The initial endorsement is not valid until the department approves the applicant's submittals required under this section, inspects the MIE processing facility, and determines that the applicant and facility substantially complies with applicable laws and regulations.
(2) Once the department receives the endorsement application from department of revenue's business licensing service, the department will contact the applicant and provide electronic copies of required forms for the applicant to complete.
(3) Before the department will begin evaluation of an initial application, the applicant must submit the following:
(a) Full facility plans as required under WAC 16-131-090;
(b) A detailed floor plan or diagram of the MIE processing facility as required under WAC 16-131-090;
(c) All documents required under WAC 16-131-050 for each initially proposed MIE;
(d) Documentation verifying that the water supply meets standards in WAC 16-165-130.
(4) Once the department determines that an initial applicant's submittal is complete and satisfactory, the department will contact the applicant to schedule an inspection. The MIE processing facility must be production ready at the time of inspection; perishable ingredients are not required to be in stock.
(5) Following the inspection, the department will notify the applicant of its decision to approve or deny the endorsement. If approving the endorsement, the department will identify the MIE products approved for processing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 69.07.020, 69.07.200, and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 18-05-010, ยง 16-131-040, filed 2/8/18, effective 4/1/18.]