PDFWAC 16-252-064


(1) Each ingredient of a pet food or specialty pet food shall be listed in the ingredient statement as follows:
(a) The names of all ingredients in the ingredient statement shall be shown in letters or type of the same size, style and color;
(b) The ingredients shall be listed in descending order by their predominance by weight in nonquantitative terms;
(c) Ingredients shall be listed and identified by the name and definition established by AAFCO; and
(d) Any ingredient for which no name and definition have been so established shall be identified by the common or usual name of the ingredient.
(2) The ingredient "meat" or "meat by-products" shall be qualified to designate the animal from which the meat or meat by-products are derived unless the meat or meat by-products are derived from cattle, swine, sheep, goats, or any combination thereof. For example, ingredients derived from horses shall be listed as "horsemeat" or "horsemeat by-products."
(3) Commercial, copyrighted, brand or trade names shall not be used in the ingredient statement.
(4) A reference to the quality, nature, form, or other attribute of an ingredient shall be allowed when the reference meets all of the following:
(a) The designation is not false or misleading;
(b) The ingredient imparts a distinctive characteristic to the pet food or specialty pet food because it possesses that attribute; and
(c) A reference to quality or grade of the ingredient does not appear in the ingredient statement.
(5) If there is no official definition for an ingredient in the AAFCO official publication, then an ingredient with an AAFCO tentative definition may be used.
(6) Each ingredient of a pet food or specialty pet food must be listed separately. Collective terms may not be used on pet food or specialty pet food labeling.
(7) The term "degermed" must precede the name of any product from which germs were wholly or partially removed.
(8) When water is added in the preparation of canned pet food or specialty pet food, the water must be listed as an ingredient.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.53.9012, 15.53.9013, 15.53.9016, and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 18-21-191, ยง 16-252-064, filed 10/24/18, effective 11/24/18.]