PDFWAC 16-252-136


(1) The department adopts: 21 C.F.R. Chapter I, Part 589, Substances Prohibited from Use in Animal Food or Feed.
(2) For the purpose of RCW 15.53.902, the terms "poisonous or deleterious substances" include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) When screenings are added to a pet food or specialty pet food, the screening must not contain any seed, pesticide, or other product that renders it adulterated within the meaning of RCW 15.53.902; and
(b) Be ground fine enough or otherwise treated to destroy the viability of the noxious weed seeds contained in the screening so that the finished product contains no more than one viable prohibited noxious weed seed per pound and not more than twenty-five viable restricted noxious weed seeds per pound.
(3) For purposes of this chapter, prohibited noxious weed seeds are those listed in WAC 16-301-045 (prohibited noxious weed seeds) and restricted noxious weed seeds are those listed in WAC 16-301-050 (restricted noxious weed seeds).
(4) Pet food or specialty pet food containing raw or unprocessed animal waste is adulterated under this chapter.
(5) In addition to the requirements under subsection (2) of this section, the terms "poisonous substances" or "deleterious substances" as used in RCW 15.53.902 include, but are not limited to, any ingredient that contains more than twenty parts per billion aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2, individually or in total.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.53.9012, 15.53.9013, 15.53.9016, and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 18-21-191, ยง 16-252-136, filed 10/24/18, effective 11/24/18.]