PDFWAC 16-256-020

Processed animal waste products identified.

A product is considered a processed animal waste product only if it meets one of the definitions in the following table.
Processed Animal Waste Products
Product Type
Thermal Dehydration Limit
Dried poultry waste (DPW)
A processed animal waste product composed of the feces from commercial poultry
Thermally dehydrated to a moisture content not in excess of 12.00 percent
Dried poultry waste-NPN extracted
A processed animal waste product composed of the feces from commercial poultry which has been processed to remove part or all of the crude protein derived from nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) as urea and/or uric acid
Thermally dehydrated to a moisture content not in excess of 12.00 percent
Dried poultry litter-(DPL)
A processed animal waste product composed of a combination of feces from commercial poultry together with litter that was present in the floor production of poultry
Thermally dehydrated to a moisture content not in excess of 12.00 percent
Dried ruminant waste-(DRW)
A processed animal waste product composed of ruminant excreta
Thermally dehydrated to a moisture content not in excess of 12.00 percent
Undried processed animal waste product
A processed animal waste product composed of excreta, with or without litter, from poultry, ruminants or any other animal except humans
Contains in excess of 12.00 percent moisture
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 15.53 and 34.05 RCW. WSR 03-23-131, ยง 16-256-020, filed 11/19/03, effective 7/1/04.]