(1) Registered caneberry plants must originate directly from nuclear or foundation stocks and may be grown in a greenhouse, screenhouse or field.
(2) Registered plants of differing cultivars produced in a registered greenhouse or screenhouse must be grown in separate containers.
(3) Different cultivars planted in a registered field must be separated by a distance of fourteen feet or by a physical barrier that prevents the intermingling of roots.
(4) Registered plants may be harvested from a registered planting for no more than one year.
(5) Upon request, growers must provide records to the department documenting the cultivar, source, indexing results and date of acquisition for any registered stock.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
15.14 RCW. WSR 00-19-035, ยง 16-333-051, filed 9/12/00, effective 10/13/00.]