(1) Receiving nurseries for tree and shrub nursery stock imported into Washington state from any out-of-state source are required to notify the Washington state department of agriculture (WSDA). Notification methods may include U.S. mail, telefacsimile, delivery service or email to: Nursery Inspection Program Supervisor, Plant Protection Division, Washington State Department of Agriculture, 1111 Washington St. S.E., P.O. Box 42560, Olympia, WA 98504-2560; fax
360-902-2094; email:
(2) Notification must include the species of plant(s), quantities of each species, source of each shipment and the receiving nursery's contact information including telephone numbers and email address (if available). Copies of regular shipping documents, such as load lists, with this information are encouraged.
(3) Notification must arrive at WSDA no later than two business days after arrival of the shipment at the receiving nursery. Notification in advance of the shipment is encouraged.
(4) WSDA may approve alternative notification systems, if the alternative systems allow the provisions of WAC
16-401-130 to be carried out.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters
15.13, 17.24, and
34.05 RCW. WSR 04-14-090, ยง 16-402-120, filed 7/6/04, effective 8/6/04.]