PDFWAC 16-575-040

Rules for implementation of promotional hosting by the Washington wine commission.

RCW 15.04.200 provides that agricultural commodity commissions shall adopt rules governing promotional hosting expenditures by agricultural commodity commission employees, agents, or commissioners. "Promotional hosting" means the hosting of individuals or groups of individuals at meetings, meals, events, tours, or other gatherings for the purpose of agricultural development, trade promotion, cultivating trade relations, or in the aid of the marketing, advertising, or sale of Washington state wine or wine grapes.
The rules governing promotional hosting expenditures for the Washington wine commission shall be as follows:
(1) Budget approval. Commission expenditures for agricultural development, trade promotion, and promotional hosting shall be pursuant to specific budget items in the commission's annual budget as approved by the commission and the director.
(2) Officials and agents authorized to make expenditures. The following officials and agents are authorized to make expenditures for agricultural development, trade promotion, and promotional hosting in accordance with the provisions of these rules:
(a) Commissioners;
(b) Executive director;
(c) Commission staff, as authorized in writing by the executive director.
Individual commissioners shall make promotional hosting expenditures, or seek reimbursements for those expenditures, only in those instances where the expenditures have been approved by the commission.
(3) Payment and reimbursement. All payments and reimbursements shall be identified and supported by vouchers to which receipts are attached. Voucher forms will be supplied by the commission, and shall require the following information:
(a) Name and position (if appropriate) of each person hosted, provided that in a group of ten or more persons, then only the name of the group hosted shall be required;
(b) General purpose of the hosting;
(c) Date of hosting;
(d) Location of the hosting;
(e) To whom payment was or will be made;
(f) Signature of person seeking payment or reimbursement.
(4) The chair of the commission, executive director, and commission staff, as authorized in writing by the executive director, are authorized to approve direct payment or reimbursements submitted in accordance with these rules: Provided, That the chair, executive director, and commission staff are not authorized to approve their own vouchers.
(5) The following persons may be hosted when it is reasonably believed such hosting will promote agricultural development, promote trade, cultivate trade relations, or aid in the marketing, advertising, or sale of Washington state wine or wine grapes: Provided, That such hosting shall not violate federal or state conflict of interest laws:
(a) Individuals from private business, associations, commissions, and accompanying staff and interpreter(s);
(b) Members of the media and accompanying staff and interpreter(s);
(c) Foreign government officials and accompanying staff and interpreter(s);
(d) Federal, state, or local officials: Provided, That lodging, meals, and transportation will not be provided when such officials may obtain full reimbursement for these expenses from their government employer;
(e) The general public, at meetings or gatherings open to the general public;
(f) Commissioners and employees of the commission when their attendance at meetings, meals, and gatherings at which the persons described in (a) through (e) of this subsection are being hosted, will promote agricultural development, promote trade, cultivate trade relations, or aid in the marketing, advertising, or sale of Washington state wine or wine grapes;
(g) Spouses, partners, or significant others of the persons listed in (a), (b), (c), (d), and (f) of this subsection when attendance of such spouse, partner, or significant other is customary and expected or will serve to promote agricultural development, promote trade, cultivate trade relations, or aid in the marketing, advertising, or sale of Washington state wine or wine grapes.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.04.200, chapters 15.88 and 34.05 RCW. WSR 11-01-003, ยง 16-575-040, filed 12/2/10, effective 1/2/11.]