The lead agency shall be responsible for coordinating and undertaking the activities necessary for development of the groundwater management program. These activities shall include collecting data and conducting studies related to hydrogeology, water quality, water use, land use, and population projections; scheduling and coordinating advisory committee meetings; presenting draft materials to the committee for review; responding to comments from the committee; coordinating SEPA review; executing interlocal agreements or other contracts; and other duties as may be necessary. The lead agency shall also prepare a work plan, schedule, and budget for the development of the program that shows the responsibilities and roles of each of the advisory committee members as agreed upon by the committee. Data collection, data analysis and other elements of the program development may be delegated by the lead agency to other advisory committee members.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
90.44.400. WSR 86-02-004 (Order DE 85-24), ยง 173-100-080, filed 12/20/85.]