The legislature granted ecology the authority to adopt these rules under the following statutes:
(1) RCW
88.46.160 and
88.46.165 provide statutory authority for regulating the transfer of oil on or over waters of the state.
(2) RCW
90.56.220 provides statutory authority for developing operations and design standards and implementing a compliance program established by this chapter.
(3) RCW
90.56.230 provides statutory authority for operations manual preparation and review requirements established by this chapter.
(4) RCW
90.56.220 provides statutory authority for the personnel training and certification requirements established by this chapter.
(5) RCW
90.56.300 and
90.56.310 provide statutory authority for the prevention plan preparation and review requirements established by this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
88.46.165, and chapter
90.56 RCW. WSR 06-20-034 (Order 06-02), ยง 173-180-020, filed 9/25/06, effective 10/26/06.]