PDFWAC 173-180-245

Oil transfer procedures.

For all transfer operations involving Class 1, 2, or 3 facilities must comply with the transfer procedures in 33 C.F.R. 156 and 154 and the following:
(1) All oil transfer operations must be conducted in accordance with the facility's approved operations manual.
(2) Ensure that transfer connections have been made according to the operations manual:
(a) Use appropriate material in joints and couplings to ensure a leak-free seal;
(b) Use either:
(i) A bolted or full threaded connection; or
(ii) A quick-connected coupling with a means of securing the coupling to prevent accidental release.
(c) Use a new compressible gasket appropriate for the product and transfer pressure;
(d) Use a bolt in every available hole;
(e) Use bolts of the correct size in each bolted connection;
(f) Ensure that each bolt is properly torqued to distribute the load to ensure a leak-free seal;
(g) Do not use any bolt that shows signs of strain or is elongated or deteriorated.
(3) Have the means to contain and recover any drips from connections within the oil transfer system.
(4) Deliverers providing oil to vessels without fixed containment must use automatic back pressure shutoff nozzles and also provide enough portable containment for each tank vent on the vessel.
(5) Conduct a pretransfer conference as defined in WAC 173-180-235.
(6) Ensure that the available capacity in the receiving tank(s) is (are) greater than the volume of oil to be transferred and all other valves which could influence the routing of the transferred oil are properly aligned.
(7) The PICs must verify at the start of the transfer that the tanks designated in the preload or cargo transfer plan are receiving oil at the expected rate.
(8) Each PIC must ensure that the means of operating the emergency shutdown system is immediately available while oil is transferred between the deliverer and receiver.
(9) A PIC must refuse to initiate or must cease transfer operations with any vessel which:
(a) Has not provided complete information as required by the DOI;
(b) Has refused to correct deficiencies identified by the PIC during the pretransfer conference; or
(c) Does not comply with the operations manual or does not respond to concerns identified by the PIC.
(10) When a PIC shift change occurs the departing PIC must:
(a) Discuss the preload plan and transfer rate with the arriving PIC;
(b) Notify the PIC at the other side of the transfer that a shift change is taking place; and
(c) Ensure the relieving PIC reads and signs the DOI.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 88.46.160, 88.46.165, and chapter 90.56 RCW. WSR 06-20-034 (Order 06-02), ยง 173-180-245, filed 9/25/06, effective 10/26/06.]