PDFWAC 173-450-070


(1) Grantees shall initiate requests for payment of state financial aid for the appropriate payment period utilizing properly executed vouchers furnished by the department. The voucher shall state the requested amount of state financial aid and the expenditure of local funds during the payment period. Local funds expended for any item may be shown as the appropriate portion of the total expenditure when the expenditure properly includes the use of, or anticipates, reimbursement with federal or state grant funds.
(2) Upon approval of the voucher by the department, payment for the appropriate payment period shall be authorized.
(3) Payments of state and federal financial aid shall be made by way of reimbursement as contained in the annual agreement payment schedule or otherwise mutually agreed upon, and changed by an amendment to the annual agreement. All expenditures claimed for reimbursement shall be subject to audit.
(4) Final payment of state and federal financial aid shall be based upon approved vouchers applied to the entire grant period.
(5) Vouchers for the final payment period during a grant period shall be submitted by the grantee by the 15th day of July of that year.
(6) The department may withhold approval of the vouchers submitted by the grantee if it finds that said grantee has failed to comply with any of the grant conditions or any other requirement or condition imposed by these regulations or chapter 70.94 RCW, for a period not to exceed thirty days. If at the end of such period the matter has not been resolved and the department has not approved said vouchers, the grantee may request an administrative hearing before the department.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW. WSR 87-19-077 (Order 87-16), ยง 173-450-070, filed 9/16/87.]